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Topic: Meanwhile, at the Hookah....

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Posts: 83
Date: Jun 21, 2011
Meanwhile, at the Hookah....

Alex sat silently next to Laney, as the other wolf drove them towards the quarter, and towards the Hookah and Sil. She had spent most of the past few nights, staring off into space. Looking out into the distance of the swamp, either sitting on the porch, or on a chair next to a window. Helix staying with her. The large white lumox having decided he wasn't letting her out of his sight, was in the back, and waiting to hop out as soon as his mistress did.


Ashes words were still ringing in her mind, after having told him everything that had happend. From Xavier infecting the kid. To Her going off half cocked after her sibling. To him kidnapping her and keeping her in the basement in the swamps, drugged and somewhat tortured. But it was his concern over what her consuming the brain damaged, psychotic wolf would do to the pack's munin that had her a bit shell shocked now.

Not knowing how long she'd be having to stay with Silent, or even if she was in effect under house arrest, she had packed a duffle with her clothing, her laptop, and another with things for Helix. vaughly wondering how the large Great Pyrenese would get along with Silent's pups.

As Laney pulled up infront of the Hookah, telling Alex she'd be back with Ash soon, Alex nodded quietly and slid from the hummer. Opening the back, and stepping aside so the large white dog could jump down, and grabbing both duffles. Looking at her friend over the backs of the seat, she nodded her head. "....thanks Laney..." Alex knew that babysitting her wasn't exactly what the other wolf had wanted to be doing. Part of her feeling like the younger girl shouldn't have to be looking after her. That it should have been the other way around. Giving a sigh, she shook her head, and closed the door. Pointing to the front of the hookah, and giving a ticking sound that had Helix moving at her side without a leash.

Pushing inside the Hookah, she paused a minute, Helix staying at her side, then moved to the counter, texas twang seeming to be thicker than usual lately, as she asked, "Is Silent here? I'm supposed to meet her..."


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Posts: 20
Date: Jun 21, 2011

-As per fucking usual Nyx had no clue what was going on until the last possibly minute.  The Hookah had been closed early for the night under the guise of a storm rolling in, but Silent had given Nyx enough information that she knew it had nothing at all to do with a storm.  Unless you counted shit storms.  The waifish she-wolf was doing some cleaning up around the place, spring cleaning, just at the wrong season.  Nervous energy was running through her and cleaning was the only way to make herself feel useful.-


-Apparently text messages had been flying back and forth all over town but did anyone text Nyx? Noooooo.  Assholes.  The long fingernails on one hand scratched at a piece of gum someone had stuck under a table and she mumbled something about ripping out the morons intestines and filling him with Double Bubba.  As the gum came loose she tossed it in a nearby garbage bag and heard the bell above the front door clang.  Standing straight she turned and her hands moved to rest on the nonexistant surface of her hips.-


"We're closed.  Beat it."


-The words had been escaping before she saw who it was.  When she realized this was one of the wolves she tossed her hands up and dropped her cleaning rag onto one of the tables.  Moving towards the other woman she was all action, nonexistant hips swaying, the tiny silver bells in her dreadlocks singing lightly.-


"Finally! You're Alex right? I'm Nyx...we met...sort the full moon.  Trent's in the back and Silent's..." -she motioned in a crazy figure eight with her hands- "somewhere.  Can you please fill me in on what's going on? Nobody ever tells me nothing and all I have to go on are these texts Trent keeps getting."


-Without really waiting for Alex to ask for help she grabbed one of the girls bags and carried it for her.  Shouting ahead of them as she led Alex towards the back of the restaurant.  Pushing through the doors of the kitchen she set Alex's bags on one of the clean metal countertops and then slid it aside some so she could boost herself up to sit beside the bag.  Nyx was tall and slender as a reed, just gangly arms and legs and enough blonde dreads to make you forget she was such a white girl.-


"Okay spill it.  What's going on?"

Status: Offline
Posts: 83
Date: Jun 22, 2011

The blond dreadlocked wolf that snapped that the hookah was closed had Alex takeing a step back without realizing. Takeing a moment to realize it was Nyx, and relaxed slightly. Nodding her head to the inquiry about who she was, she ran fingers over Helix's head more for her comfort than for his.

"M'not really all that sure myself. I've been sorta....missing..." She gave an apologetic roll of her shoulders, and followed the slender woman through to the back, letting her take one of the duffles, and snapping to Helix so he'd follow. At a hand motion, the fuzzy white butt flopped on the floor, and Alex leaned back against the wall next to him. Glancing around, then back to Nyx as she boosted herself onto a countertop.

"Ash told me to come here and stay with Silent till he came to get me..." He'd promised he'd come. And as much as that nasty voice in her head kept telling her otherwise? She knew he'd keep his promise to her. He always had. Fidgeting, she toyed with the lighter in her pocket. twirling it from finger to finger, and watched the other woman. After a few minutes, she started to talk. "My brother....He apparently attacked some human...infected him. I found out about it from some asshat human who thought himself a big shot, that was here at the Hookah....Anyway. he told me what happend....I lost it and went after my brother by myself, which in hindsight was probably a bad idea..."

She looked away, suddenly finding the tile on the floor very interesting, blond hair swinging forward to hide her face. "....I don't remember much...I know I attacked him...then pain in my head....then...nothing. When I woke up, he had me chained up and bound in a basement of some ratty old cabin out in the swamps...kept me drugged....kept babbling on about how he had to fix me...Had to undo the shit that Ash had done to me. That he was gonna save me from Ash." She shook her head, and looked up.

"He unchained me after awhile...i attacked again....pure fucking dumb ass luck was all that it was...i tackled him. His head hit the steps and knocked him out..." She looked away, running fingers through the silky fur of Helix's head. ".....he'd starved me.....i was so hungry..." Trailing off, she left Nyx to figure out the rest of that one, and lapsed into silence, eye's far away.

Shakeing herself after a few minutes, she spoke. "....Other then that, i don't really know what's going on....Except that somebody else is Missing....Geller I think..."


Status: Offline
Posts: 23
Date: Jun 22, 2011

-Trent wasn't much more on the up and up than Nyx really.  He had been out of town a lot playing gigs with the new van and leaving voice messages on Geller's machine now and then to check in.  Since he usually called from hotel rooms and pay phones on the road he hadn't taken it personally that Geller hadn't gotten in touch with him.  When he got back into town he just assumed people were busy. They usually were.  Dee's text message had come as a surprise that broke through his usual isolation and made him realize that maybe he hadn't been completely aware of what was going on around him all this time.  He'd sent off a reply to her and then headed over to the Hookah to see if Silent knew anything.-


-What he found out when he got there was that a lot more was going on than even the text message could have said.  As Alex was talking to Nyx he came in through another door in the back and stood silently listening.  He wasn't eavesdropping exactly.  Trent just had a way of blending into the walls around him.  People tended not to notice the small red haired wolf, not right away anyway.  His fingers nervously plucked at the spikes of his bright red hair and finally, when he was sure he wouldn't be interrupting, he cleared his voice to let the girls know that he was there.  Moving further into the kitchen he let his moss green eyes look from Alex to Nyx with concern.-


"That's what the text message from Dee Dee said....something about him missing and her wanting to meet about it."


-Trent chewed at his lip, unsure of what that meant.  How much good would he be to anyone in a fight? He was new to the change, still just past his first year as a wolf and even before being turned he hadn't been much for fighting.  That was why he'd come to see Silent, to find out what he should do.  Trent owed Geller a lot, and would do what he could to help, but he just wasn't sure there was much he could do.  Leaning his side against the countertop where Alex sat he watched her out of the corner of his eye, still not quite sure of this new wolf who he'd never met and voiced his concerns.-


"I'm not really sure there's much we can do.  I mean....I can't even shift by myself and I wouldn't know how to throw a decent punch if my life depended on it.  Geller's strong.  If something happened to him then whoever has him must be even stronger.  What can I do against people like that?"


-Maybe it was cowardly but it was the truth.  He would be more of a hindrance than an asset in any warzone.  He knew Nyx would protest and he shot her a hard look with his green eyes.  There was heat in that gaze and maybe it showed that one day Trent might be more than the newbie wolf who stood there in the kitchen at that moment.-


"You can't shift either Nyx and I don't think being able to talk down to them will help the situation.  And Alex is hurt...right? You smell hurt."


-He couldn't quite explain how she smelled, because it had to do with things he didn't entirely understand.  But yes, she smelled hurt.  She looked like she wanted to crumple up inside herself and maybe not come back out again for awhile.  Without really thinking about it he put a pale hand against Alex's knee, not patting it, just touching and offering comfort as his own speckled beasts energy flowed between them.-


"Do you need something? Food? Drink? Smoke?"


-Hell, they were in a restaurant.  The least they could do was offer the poor girl some kind of sustenance.  After everything she had been through recently Trent was surprised that she could even sit up straight.  The dog Helix came up and nudged at his leg and Trent idly scratched the dog behind one ear.  Even if Alex wasn't hungry, the dog sure seemed to be.-

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Posts: 20
Date: Jun 22, 2011

-Nyx was slouched back on the countertop, the curve of her shoulders pressed against the row of cabinets hanging there.  A hand had lifted to her mouth so that she could bite at the sides of her fingernails at those annoying spots where her skin was calloused.  She listened to Alex's story and only smiled once when Alex told about how she had defeated her brother.  The smile she gave the other woman was fierce.  It was easy to see why Silent so often compared Nyx to herself.  The blonde she wolf was naturally rebellious and feral.-

"Sounds like you did what you had to do to survive."

-Basically what she meant was that it sounded like Xavier had gotten what was coming to him.  But since it was Alex's brother she managed to edit herself for once.  As Trent cleared his throat Nyx twisted in her position on the countertop and watched as the young red haired wolf came closer to them.  Trent was a cutie, but he was way too shy for Nyx's taste.  She like her men and women a bit more on the dangerous side.  Still, there was something about Trent that just made her want to ruffle his bright red hair and rub her body all over him to scent mark him as hers.  Not in any romantic sense, but just to keep the unsavories away.-

"Silent's gonna have to start putting ID chips into our necks if people don't stop going missing."

-It was a joke, but she really hoped it wasn't something Silent would want to do.  Her hand flicked at the ropes of her thick blonde dreads that had fallen gracefully over her shoulder and sent them tumbling against her back.  Tiny silver bells tinkled and she could feel the tickling brush of feathers as they stroked the bare skin of her back.  Trent's comments had her giving that tooth baring grin again.-

"Well Alex did just eat her brother.  So apparently she's not bad in a fight." -So much for editing herself.- "And I may be young but I can hold my own.  If a wolf is in trouble I can fuck someone up just fine."

-She was talking big, but as dominat as Nyx was she knew her own limitations.  She had the potential to be truly great one day, but that was the future.  Right now she was just a newer wolf who hadn't finished all of her training and who would probably be useful mostly as fodder in any large scale confrontation.  Trent was right.  She knew Geller and knew that whatever could bring that man down was more than she could face in a dark alley.  With a huff of expelled air she pushed herself off the counter and half whined,-

"I'll go get some dog food from upstairs and a bowl of water.  You take care of Alex."

-Nyx was born bossing people around.  Leaving Trent to get Alex whatever she needed Nyx headed towards the doorway that led to stairs up to the apartment above the Hookah.  The cooks were in bed together somewhere up there doing god only knew what so she kept quiet as she went about getting things for the dog.  Dog bowls were stolen from Silent's pups and Nyx filled them and carried them back downstairs with her.  Helix was whining a bit looking worried about leaving Alex's side so Nyx brought the bowls closer and set them down near him.-

Status: Offline
Posts: 83
Date: Jun 22, 2011

When the new wolf came in, Alex inhaled deeply, takeing in his scent, and commiting it to memory. So many new faces since she'd last been in New Orleans. Some she'd met before. Some she hadn't. Somehow everyone seemed to congregate in the same places.

When Nyx commented that it sounded like Alex did what she needed to to survive, she managed a small smile. "He had it comming...that and so much more...just wish it had happened differently.." In a way that hadn't involved eating the damn hillbilly. The thought of what that action might do to the Munin once again entered her mind, and she felt her stomach roll. Closing grey blue eye's for a moment, and then blinked, looking over when her knee was patted by Trent.

Alex nodded to the question of if she was hurt. Her joints still ached from being held in the same position for so damn long. Her system Finally getting the last of the drugs and their effects from her body. Her head? Well it didn't really hurt as much, but there was still a great bruise  from her temple down to her cheekbone. And wrists were still wrapped in gauze and medical tape, to keep them from the open air, and being bumped to much, as they were still red and raw and very much owie from the damn silver.

The knowlage that neither one of these two were very old as wolves, had her blinking in surprise. So many pups around lately. it was almost like an epidemic. Her stomach clenched, realizing there was one more running around town someplace that they needed to locate. thanks to her dear brother.

Shakeing her head, silky blond strands danced and she gave a small laugh. "that was pure fuckin dumb luck. He's the one that kicked my ass in the first place and kidnapped me...He's kicked my ass for years...but he was the one that taught me to fight." And fight dirty. Alex didn't know how to fight fair. How to fight clean. It was all the twisted, perverted teachings of Xavier that she knew. and it was only in the last few years, since meeting up with Ash, and then Silent again, that she started to reprogram her brain to NOT be what Xavier created. Though, as Ash could tell anyone, Alex still had her moments when she slipped.

"I could seriously use a ciggarette or two. I have some. just didn't wanna smoke in the kitchen..." She managed a smile, and watched as Nyx moved off to get Helix something to eat. Calling after her "Oh he's got a bowl here...And.." blinked as Nyx disapeared upstairs. "" Well hell. When the girl came back, and placed the food where Helix wouldn't have to move too far from his mistress, her lips formed a larger smile. "Thank you...He'll probably decide your his new buddy now" Helix had a tendancy to like anyone that fed him or paid any amount of attention to him.

Leaning back, she closed her eyes. then blinked. "Oh hey....Did anyone bring an iPhone in here that they might have found outside? I was here last when i lost my phone before this shit...Haven't been able to find it." She hoped to hell someone had dropped it off and not kept it. But if it was gone for good, she'd just have to bite the bullet and buy another.


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Posts: 272
Date: Jun 23, 2011
Silent had been clearing her head. Walking the riverwalk aimlessly. Some point the Capt had joined her...Sometimes he spoke but for the most part he had listened.As they neared the end close to the Hookah Nyxs ringtone broke the silence causing them both to jump. " Its Nyx. I guess..." Silent didnt finnish what she was going to say as Ashs ringtone sounded. Whatever Sil had planned on saying died in her throat. Tri colored hues were cast down..Those old ugly boots would kick at a few rocks. "I gotta go. Ill call you soon....Hello" Leavin she headed to the hookah speakin in one of those quick convos wit ash. Though she didnt say much...Hanging up she opened the door just in time to hear Nyx. "No fighting just yet Leelan" A small smirk moved over her lips. It was Sils lil pick up on the capts fae word for dearest one. "Nice to see you found your way home...Me and Geller were havin a hellva time trackin ya scent...Trent..Fill me in on what Dee is goin on bout"



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Posts: 23
Date: Jun 23, 2011

-Trent was also fiending for a smoke.  Nodding as Alex spoke up he went in search of an ashtray.  He was betting that under the right circumstances Silent wouldn't mind people smoking in the kitchen.  After all the Hookah was closed for the night and if these weren't special circumstances then he didn't know what was.  He was leaning down to look in a cabinet when Alex asked about her phone he lifted his head and knocked it against the cainet above that he'd forgotten to close.-




-Rubbing at the sore spot on his head he turned to glance back at Alex.  It was then that he saw an ashtray sitting under one of the work tables of the kitchen.  Looked like the cooks were sneaking cigarettes in here as well.  Moving towards where the ashtray was tucked away he continued rubbing his head with one hand and then picked up the ashtray and brought it over to Alex.-


"I just got here earlier today.  So I haven't seen a phone."


-As he set the ashtray on the countertop near Alex he looked over at Nyx who would probably know more than he would.  Pulling a pack of cigarettes from his own pocket he slipped his fingers into the opening in the soft pack and pulled out a cigarette, offering the pack towards Alex out of habit even though she'd said she had her own.  After she took one or not he set the pack down on the countertop and slipped a Bic from his pocket to light their cigarettes.-


-It was sort of creepy just standing around waiting.  He had no idea where Silent was, and Dee Dee hadn't texted him back yet.  He wasn't sure if more wolves would be coming to the Hookah or not.  Whatever the case he felt a bit like they were hiding out from a zombie apocolypse.-


"Maybe Alex should give us a little fight lesson." -He was trying to be funny, but it wouldn't be a bad way to spend their time.  Unfortunetly Trent wasn't always good at trying to be funny.  His jokes often came out in a monotone than made it hard for people to see whether he was being serious or sarcastic.  Usually it wasn't either, but everyone had their own skill set.- "Just in case more people get kidnapped and we are the last wolves left who have to save the day."

-Thankkfully before anything could actually happen with his suggestion Silent came into the Hookah.  Trent could smell her and sense her long before he saw her colorful head.  Silent was kind of hard to miss with your eyes or your lupine senses.  Clearing his voice he handed his phone towards Silent so she could see the text message that he had gotten; though he was pretty sure that she had recieved the same text.-


"We don't really know much.  Ash told Alex to wait for him here and I guess she has some personal things to talk to you about.  I sent a text to Dee Dee telling her to send any other young wolves here until they figure out what's going on with Geller.  Just in know....if it's trouble for wolves or something.  I haven't heard anything from Dee yet so other than that I am pretty much in the dark."


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Posts: 20
Date: Jun 23, 2011
-Nyx surreptitiously gave Helix a pat on the head as she set down the bowls and let the dog dig in.  Rolling her eyes at the slobber the dog left behind she scowled and wiped her hand on the back of her baggy jeans.-  "Yeah, that's just what I need.  A dog panting along behind me. Maybe if I kiss him he'll turn into a handsome Prince."
-Sneaking a cigarette out of Trent's pack she let him light it for her and then pushed up onto the counter top herself.  Lips pursed into an O as she blew out a few nifty smoke rings just for fun.  Her tongue traced across her lips as she leaned back against the cabinetry and let herself relax for a moment.  She too was wondering where Silent had gotten off to.  Alex's question had her bony shoulders lifting in a shrug.-
"I didn't find a phone.  Maybe Silent knows where it is.  Or maybe someone picked it up and just took off with it.  Sucks, but it happens."
- Giving a snort of laughter at Trent's suggestion she leaned forward and rested her elbows against her knees.-  "God help us all if you end up being the last line of defense.  But go ahead Alex.  Give the guy a lesson.  Teach him to fight dirty."

-Something about the idea of Trent and fighting dirty didn't match up with one another.  He just didn't seem like the type.  Then again you couldn't always tell if a dog would bite just because of his bark.  About then Silent came into the Hookah and they played a rousing game of "Nobody Knows Shit".  Hopping down from the counter she crushed her cigarette out in the ashtray and gave Trent a nudge with her shoulder.-
"Come on Bruce Lee.  Let's leave these two alone to talk.  I'll show you where to sleep." -Moving past Silent on her way to lead Trent towards the upstairs apartment she brushed her cheek to the other woman's in greeting.- "If he gets any word from Dee we'll come down and let you know."
-And with that and a wave to Alex, Nyx and Trent went upstairs to let their Ulfric spend some quality time with the wounded wolf.-

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Posts: 83
Date: Jun 23, 2011

Alex waved away the offer of smokes, having already pulled out her own pack when he brought the ash tray over. The marlboro was lit, and a long drag taken, as she leaned back. strokeing fingers through the shaggy fur of the large white dog next to her, who had settled down now that he'd eaten. Grinning over at Nyx, she gave a shrug "He's a good boy. Just...well hyper as fuck. He's only two."

Letting out a snort of a laugh, she couldn't help but grin at him. "Shiiiiit. If we're the last one's left and they've taken out all our Alpha's we are well and truely screwed." Shakeing her head, she closed her eyes, and leaned her head back. Takeing another drag of her smoke, and blowing the smoke upwards. Snickering softly at Nyx's comment back to Trent. "You don't want me teaching him that shit. Whatever Xavier taught me needs to get burried in the back of my mind and never thought of again...twisted mother fucker...."  Her body tensed then, hearing someone enter the hookah, but slowly relaxed, as Silent's scent hit her nose, and grey blue eye's opened to look at the swamp wolf.

When she said she was glad to see Alex had found her way home, she gave that small crooked little smile. "fucker loaded me into his truck and took me out into the swamps...You know how he was about the swamps.....knew the depths of them better then anyone else after awhile..."  And Silent probably knew exactly Why Xavier would know the swamps well. When you didn't want people to find the bodies, you made sure they were hidden deeply enough, and in places nobody was likely to go.

Waiting untill Silent had read the text message, she slid off the counter, and winced slightly. "....I can wait...Geller's more important...but..." She bit at her bottom lip, chewing at the plump tier, and scuffed her tennis shoe at the floor, hair swinging forward as she looked at the ground and hid her face. "....Ash wanted me to talk to you about what consiquences there might be from what I did to Xavier..." She didn't know if Ash had told Silent all of what happend or not. Hell she didn't know what all Silent knew.  Looking up, she stubbed out her cig and pushed her hair back. "....maybe i should tell you everything first...."

-- Edited by ALEX SINCLAIR on Thursday 23rd of June 2011 05:43:02 PM


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Posts: 108
Date: Jun 23, 2011

Lou had been, well, just doing her thing: building custom bikes, doing repairs, running out to swap meets now and then, same ol' same ol'. Well, except for hanging out with Ramsey. Yes, she was splitting time between staying with him and him staying up above the shop with her. It was.... comfortable. Did she like the addiction? No, not really, but then again, she just did her best to not think about it. It was just comforting to have someone.


There was a little itch in the back of her head, a change in the feel of the Big Easy that was making her twitch. Except for that dark night of nightmares she hadn't heard much from Silent and that just didn't seem right. She hadn't heard much from anyone to be honest, she'd known there was a pack forming but everyone seemed to have gone to ground for a while and now, well, there was something going on that she couldn't quite put her finger on.


It didn't take more then a minute for her to scribble a note to leave on the apartment door for Ramsey before she locked up the shop and settled herself on her favorite bike. Boot to the kickstart and she was off in a roar, making her way off to the Hookah in search of the Swamp Wolf.


It didn't take long to get to the cafe, pulling into a parking spot and taking a deep breath as she let the bike idle to a halt. Brows furrowed at the mingling of scents; Silent for sure, along with a hint of the Capt. Other wolves scents teased at her as she slowly dismounted and head towards the door of the Hookah, shaking out the wild red curls of her hair from the loose knot she'd twisted it into earlier. A push to the door, easing her way inside and following the lingering scents to where the others had gathered. 


Wow... Silent and Alex and Nyx and.... others.... oh my. Hands slipped into her pockets, making herself small as she sought to read the tension in the room. OK.... what had she missed?



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Date: Jun 23, 2011

Will was dressed in green and brown leathers, favoring that look to the more modern looks. Even the animal right groups, like PETA, got on him for his choice of dress, but they were not a group that could understand the balance of life and death. He was more in tune with that, which melded well with what he was now. He was once a Druid, and lived in England. Now, he was a Were-wolf, and New Orleans was an interesting place. It was a big change from the small town life he was used to back in Carlisle. However, he took the time to explore and try to find everything about. He went to random places, and found himself at the Hookah. The first thing he noticed was the Texan girl walking up to the door. He would have normally brushed it off, not knowing the girl, and not being one to judge for fashion choices.

The exchange of words however at the door, caught his interest. He was seated on a bench on the side of the street, leaning forward with hands clapsed before him, head bowed as he appeared deep in thought. In truth, he meditated. His old Druidic practices that refused to be broken from habit. The mention of the full moon, and of a few choice names, had his interest piqued. He had a feeling it had been a bit odd that the place was closed for a storm.

After that, Alex's words alone had him intrigued to know more, but he would have to strain his hearing to hear through the closed doors and wall to hear more. Eventually, when they moved to another part of the building, he couldn't hear anything further. Because of such, he began to look for a way to listen in further. The door was locked, and surely they wouldn't just let him in, since he was someone they didn't know. And lord knew, he didn't want to be taking the change of introducing himself to a wolf pack.



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Posts: 62
Date: Jun 23, 2011


-He didn't shout it at the man, but said it in that low gravelly voice just before depositing a hand on William's back and hauling him up by his shirt.  At nearly seven feet tall Milo definitely fit in the category of 'bigger than a motherfucker' but he could be sneaky when he wanted to be, and when he'd seen someone eavesdropping outside the Hookah he had gone into ratty sneak mode. Looking back over his shoulder he saw Jessica and Otis come out from around the building.-

"Lookie what I found Otis.  It's a spying little wolf pup."

-Milo was strong enough and big enough to toss William like a sack of potatoes and he did just that.  Not in a mean way or trying to hurt him.  Sometimes Milo just didn't know the difference between hurting someone and messing with them.  So he tossed William towards Otis and the man half stumbled, half flew into the other rats body.-

"Bring him with us.  I'm sure Silent would like to know that she's got an admirer."

-Waiting for Jess to catch up he slung one long tattoo covered arm over her shoulders and walked with her through the back door of the Hookah for all the world like they owned the place.  Well technically Milo did own a piece of the Hookah.  Now that his divorce was finalized he owned half of Barbie's fourth of the Hookah persuant to blah blah blabbety blah.  Courts were boring.-

"Yo! Rainbow Brite! Where you hiding out?"

-Milo shouted out to Silent and just like how his hugs were too tight and his body was too big his voice was usually too loud as he heralded their arrival.  Probably almost made Lou jump out of her skin.  As he and Jess moved past the girl Milo gave her butt a slap.  It was how he liked to say hello. Then he made a snarly noise, curling up the thin edges of his lips as he playfully nipped at Jess's neck all while managing to touch her with his hands.  Sometimes it probably seemed like Milo had about eight arms, he was an ADD hyperactive lunatic, but that was part of his charm.  Once he was face to face with Silent he snapped his fingers and had Otis push William into the center of the room.-

"I forgot to pick something up for ya in L.A. so I picked this up on the way in.  Happy Thursday sugar."

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Posts: 36
Date: Jun 23, 2011

Otis had hung back a bit while Milo stalked ahead on those long ass legs of his, head tipping as he lit the cigar clamped between his lips. "Fucker never slows down." Words muttered as he matched the slower pace of the lady at his side. Yes, Jessica was a lady, for all that she'd claimed the crazy fuck of a Rat King as her own.

He couldn't help but grin as Milo tossed the somewhat gangling looking wolf towards him, moving effortlessly into place in front of his King's lady, burlier form capturing the poor stranger that Milo sent his way. "Easy there Mutt." And just like that they stranger had a nickname of his own. Otis was like that. Didn't matter what your parents called you, Otis named you and you were stuck with it. It was one of those habits he shared with Milo.

"How the fuck is it goin? You'll like the Hookah. This place fuckin' rocks." Cheerful words to his new 'friend', Milo's #1 Rat having locked an arm around the wolf's shoulders and guiding him, like it or not, behind Milo and Jessica and into the cafe. Free hand captured the cigar he'd been speaking around, deftly capturing it between his fingers as he scanned the interior, the big black rat that was his other self skittering about the etheral plane and scouting ahead. Wolves wolves and more wolves... good thing none of them were shedding right?

Lou was given a grin and a dip of his head when she gave a bit of a squeal from Milo's 'greeting', his wink hidden behind the dark shades he always seem to wear. "Easy Red, he's just sayin' hello. Stop scarin' the fuckin' pups Milo!" Yeah, Milo was his King but that didn't mean he didn't think he was an asshole. He was just an asshole you loved to death.

"Shit, what do you gotta do to get some fuckin' service around here?" He didn't quite have the volume that Milo did, then again, no one had the volume that Milo did, but Otis had a pretty fair bellow.... and the vocabulary of a redneck truck driver. It was good to be back in town. Speaking of....

New friend was guided... ok, more like slung.... towards the nearest seat. "Sit the fuck down, get comfy." And out came Otis' phone. Cigar back between his lips and then thumbs danced in a quick text. A very simple message to Frick & Frack..."Get your asses to the Hookah Bring Pinky & anyone else that wants to see Milo" Arms crossed in front of his chest once his phone was slipped away, settling into the waiting stance of a guard... cuz that's what he was. Dur.

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Date: Jun 23, 2011

Sleeping while astride the back of the big bike would seem to be dangerous for most but feline instincts and the strong arms of a certain rat made sure that she stayed curled safely against the warm breadth of his back. Jessica's arms tightened around Milo's waist, cheek nuzzling softly at his shoulder, "Home?" the word was purred, eyes slitting open to look around. Nope, not home but in town. Yes, Jessica had napped on the back of the Harley mostly because it was a looooooooooooong ass ride from L.A. And no, she hadn't had to go to L.A. while Milo finalized his divorse but she remembered the moment he'd met Barbie, the way he'd reacted and there was no way in hell that she was letting him see her, even in divorce court, without her there. Nope, not the fuck happening.

But.... long hours on the bitch seat of Milo's bike made her glad she was more then human... because even her ass was getting sore.


She slid off the bike in the lot behind the Hookah, letting Milo move on ahead, shaking her head slightly at his boundless energy. Otis' words made her laugh as he paced himself at her side, keeping her 'safe', not that she needed it but she appreciated his courtesy. Brows lifted as Otis intercepted the man slung their way by Milo, her voice chiding softly, "Milo, try not to damage total strangers." Laughter leaked into her words as she stepped up to settled herself at Milo's side, arm curling around his waist, "Wait until you get to know them first, them bruise them." Nails raked along his spine in a rough but affectionate caress as they entered the cafe.


She smiled as Silent came to meet them, chuckling as Milo announced his gift, golden eyes twinking with amusement. "Literally on the way in."



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Date: Jun 23, 2011

So they assumed he was a wolf. He wondered how and why. With shields locked tight about him, he gave nothing away willingly. He was not all too keen to the words Milo had to offer, but the option to  head inside, and better listen in to what was going on was something he could not turn away. He didn't like being degraded and being called a 'pulp' but he'd still let the poor sods think they had the upper hand on him, as he let himself be thrown into the body of the other Rat.

He'd glance about at the three, not knowing who any of them were, though the mention of Silent's name, again, definitely had him willing to head on in, and listen to what was going on in the Hookah. He didn't care much about the place itself, but who was in it. He himself would more than likely never take part in anything that went on in the Hookah.

As soon as they were inside, he would part himself from Milo and Otis, and take up a spot all his own. There was no hiding, but keeping quiet was his only option at that point to learn of what was going on around here.



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Date: Jun 23, 2011

-Trent was nearly knocked into the counter when Nyx bumped his hip, but he only nodded in agreement when she offered to take him up to the apartment and show him where he could sleep.  Sleep sounded good.  Following in Nyx's trail he also brushed his cheek to Silent's and then went along with the willowy she wolf.  They were just at the top of the stairs when a huge commotion sounded out from underneath them.  Trent turned to look at Nyx and had to stifle a laugh.-


"Dear God this is it.  The world really has come to an end and we're the last line of defense.  I knew I should have let Alex teach us something."


-Surely that wasn't it, but it sure as hell sounded like a bomb going off.  Sticking to Nyx's side he would follow her lead either up to the apartment or back down into the kitchen of what was supposed to be a closed Hookah.-

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Date: Jun 23, 2011

Lou was.... well, looking for somewhere to hide. She thought she was doing the quiet in the corner sort of thing, waiting for Silent to see her and all but then in came.... chaos. I mean, what else do you call Milo? In another life he was a chaos demon, there was no doubt in her mind about that.

"Eeeeeeeeeep," yes, she sort of squealed with that giant paddle he called a hand intersected with her bottom, eyes wide as she scooted away.Milo was tall and lanky and he was followed by not quite as tall but broad and beefy as hell. And in the midst was the 'gift' being slung around like sack. Amber eyes wide as she retreated from the rats, moving back to a corner to watch from. Yup, this should be interesting.

Wolves and rats and a lone kitty cat all congregating together. Maybe she should have stayed at home.



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Date: Jun 23, 2011

"THEO! Fuckin-- Holy fuck, Theo, we gotta go now. Like right now. Let's go. C'mon. Go." Alex was almost literally trying to shove his brother out the door, his phone still in his hand after reading Otis's text message. Life had been... kind of normal, kind of weird, and fucking Otis was back in town, and maybe that meant Milo was around and shit. 

"Jesus Christ, Alex. Get the fuck off me." Theo roughly shook his brother off and pushed his hair out of his face. Whatever, so Otis was back. He wasn't about to get fucking excited about it. "Is Karma here? She'll probably want to come." 

"Oh. Oh yeah, hang on." Alex darted back to the basement door and opened it to yell down, "Hey Karma! We're gonna go, c'mon. Milo's back, I think."


Theo rolled his eyes and grabbed the car keys, jingling them in his hand a bit. He made sure he had his phone and everything and, for the time being, tried to keep his beast on lockdown.  He sent a quick text message to Remi to let her know the King was probably back in town and at the Hookah. He was pretty sure she wasn't working until later, so she could at least swing by for a little while. Now that he had other people working there, Theo didn't spend ridiculous hours at the shop anymore, focusing more on the band. Still, shit had still been weird and rough, and it hadn't helped when he realized, somewhere in the pit of his stomach, that Milo and Otis weren't around. But whatever, he'd survived just fucking fine before the king and his number one decided to claim their asses, and he'd managed to make sure Alex didn't completely lose his mind before anyone else got involved. So, even if they'd never come back, they would've been fine. 

He rubbed his hair, still bleached blonde on top and dark on the sides, cut like a mohawk though he never wore it up. Alex had dyed his hair back to its natural shade of black, though he had no idea how long that would actually last. 

As soon as everyone was ready to go they piled into the car and he made his way to the hookah bar, happy to find parking nearby. Theo nearly lost his balance when Alex shoved by him and raced in. 


Alex had never been in the habit of giving a shit what anyone else thought of him, and he wasn't about to start now. So, while Otis was playing it up like a fucking body guard or whatever, the pale, black-haired Jersey rat flung himself at him. Alex latched onto Otis's back like a fucking octopus. "Holy fuck, I was pretty sure you guys were fucking dead or something, or maybe like locked in an eternal fucking struggle with some fucking zombie alligators or something that survived that one full moon hunt and came back for revenge..."

Yeah, that was really how his mind worked. Nevermind that he was a few hits of coke away from sober. "Ohshit... Hey, Milo." Man, they were really both there. He kind of... wiggled down to hide behind Otis without actually getting off him. Probably awkward, but he managed. 


Theo followed in with more poise and composure, hands tucked into his pockets, poker face on, jaw locked. "Hey." There were a lot of fucking wolves in the place, so he kept himself ready to grab his brother and make tracks if they had to. Or fight, whatever. He was ready for both at the moment. 




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Date: Jun 23, 2011
Silent would watch the pair go upstairs as she plopped her butt up on the cold steel table. Those tri colored eyes watchin Alex...There was a wildness...Like a trapped animal sense to her...The way the woman moved...Smelled..Even the looks screamed X..."You ate him didnt you?" Was all she managed to say before she felt Milo. Oh thank god...Really was her first thought...He was her King...And not by lycan standards..No he was the King of Mayham to her Queen of Chaos. He would always be her partner..Been that way since Salem. But before she could even mention to Alex to give her a heads up she felt Lou. Which with the shit storm brewing having the doward lupa was soothing. Throwing a glance at Alex. " We got company baby love. Think you can hold up? " Moving towards the small blond she would curl her tattooed arm around the girls small waist " If ya need ya can go up with Nyx and get settled. Well talk about whats going on soon." Kissin the girls forhead she went out just in time to catch Milo smack Lous rump. She couldnt help but to laugh some. "Just bite him momma...Lou that is Milo...But I think yall kinda met last full moon" Moving to give the red head a quick hug before Otis dropped the 'present' She would tilt here head some...Now he was a strange smellin and feelin wolf.."Where'd ya find that critter?" Even as this was said Sil made a B line for both Jess and Milo considering they both were her closest friends. "Im so fuckin glad ya home...I think were all gonna some boots...Shits bout to get deep. My Freki is missin...And..Well ya...Happy to Have ya home even id ya bringin me ugly presents" Silent would smirk some at the weird pup. "Jess....How was the trip"



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Date: Jun 23, 2011
Silent would watch the pair go upstairs as she plopped her butt up on the cold steel table. Those tri colored eyes watchin Alex...There was a wildness...Like a trapped animal sense to her...The way the woman moved...Smelled..Even the looks screamed X..."You ate him didnt you?" Was all she managed to say before she felt Milo. Oh thank god...Really was her first thought...He was her King...And not by lycan standards..No he was the King of Mayham to her Queen of Chaos. He would always be her partner..Been that way since Salem. But before she could even mention to Alex to give her a heads up she felt Lou. Which with the shit storm brewing having the doward lupa was soothing. Throwing a glance at Alex. " We got company baby love. Think you can hold up? " Moving towards the small blond she would curl her tattooed arm around the girls small waist " If ya need ya can go up with Nyx and get settled. Well talk about whats going on soon." Kissin the girls forhead she went out just in time to catch Milo smack Lous rump. She couldnt help but to laugh some. "Just bite him momma...Lou that is Milo...But I think yall kinda met last full moon" Moving to give the red head a quick hug before Otis dropped the 'present' She would tilt here head some...Now he was a strange smellin and feelin wolf.."Where'd ya find that critter?" Even as this was said Sil made a B line for both Jess and Milo considering they both were her closest friends. "Im so fuckin glad ya home...I think were all gonna some boots...Shits bout to get deep. My Freki is missin...And..Well ya...Happy to Have ya home even id ya bringin me ugly presents" Silent would smirk some at the weird pup. "Jess....How was the trip"



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Date: Jun 23, 2011

Well mother fuckin' hell, while he kept half an eye on things, ok, more then half an eye, the boys apparently decided to break not just one but all the speed records to get there asses to the Hookah.

Damn he was so proud. Tear was hidden by his shades. OK, no tear but you get the fuckin' point.

His head cocked slightly as the door swung open and mini-Milo-wanna-be all coked up and hyper just flung himself onto the Big Ol' Rat's back. Otis of course barely swayed at Frack's miniscule weight slamming into him and just scurrying up his frame. "'Bout fuckin' time you boys got here." Affectionate complaint, grinning around his cigar. He let Frack cling like a damn leech, pivoting to give Frick a nod. Little shit was pissy. Sort of understandable. "Good job holdin' shit together while we were gone." It wasn't like Otis didn't know about some of the shit that had been going on, he had his contacts and his eyes in town, the boys didn't know it but he'd been keeping tabs on them, just to see how the fuck they did on their own.

Arms unlaced, reaching behind to give Frack a light swat on the ass, sort of, hard to hit the ass of someone clinging to your back but he tried. "No hidin' shithead." Yeah, he felt that little ducking motion. Little shit.

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Date: Jun 23, 2011

-Jessica's comment had him laughing that sneering chuckle of his.  Thin lips curled upwards at the edges making his piercings glint in the light.  He nuzzled at the soft fullness of her hair and if he happened to bump his head against hers in the process you could just call it a love tap.  Milo had known the "present" was a wolf because the little mutt wasn't anywhere near strong enough to shield it from him.  Period. End of story.  Of all the people in this room there was a top five list of who could kick the most ass and chew the most bubble gum and the mutt wasn't anywhere close to that list.-

"Hey Trailer Park Barbie.  How you been honey?"

-He was talking to Alex of course who was right there in the kitchen with Silent.  Giving a sharp little slap to Jessie's fine back end he slipped away from her and moved like the gangly mook he was to collect Alex up in his arms for a big brotherly bear hug.  Milo breathed in her smell through his nose and had her tucked in one arm as he slung the other out to collect Silent into the hug with them.  He had both tiny women off their feet and bounced them around a little for good measure.  A little jiggling between friends was okay.-

"God it's good to be home. I found the Mutt outside trying to peep on you."

-Just like that he dropped them both back to their feet.-

"Who does a guy have to fuck around here to get a drink?"

-The question wasn't asked to anyone in particular.  He figured someone would do the honors.  When the back door opened next a little Alex streak went straight for Otis and leapt on his back like a howler monkey.  That had Milo chuckling as he gave that sneering smile to the red headed Frik.-

"It would take more than a herd of zombie alligators to get us down. We'd fry them up and serve them to the rats for dinner."

-One of those big tattooed hands reached past Otis's shoulder to roughly give a ruffle to Alex's head.  Then Milo turned towards Theo and lunged forward to grab the guy by the front of his shirt and pull him in under Milo's arm.  The squeeze he gave him was perhaps a bit too hard, but that's the way Milo hugged.-

"Cheer up Frak, you're looking like someone shot your dog. And speaking of dogs." -A wink was shot to Sil and Alex- "Alex, Theo...Frik and Silent, Alex, Mutt, some red head I don't know....." -Milo pointed to the people he was naming as he went and then took in a big noseful of air.- "And Trent and Nyx are hiding around here some place. There everyone's acquainted.  Now let's have some fun."

-Of course he had no idea that serious things had been going on.  No idea Geller was missing and Alex had eaten her brother or any of that shit.  He just knew that fun  So they should have some. Then Silent brought the serious home and told them what was up. -

"So we going to war then or what? Or you think maybe the guy just found some tail and hasn't come home yet?"

-Rats were not like wolves.  If a wolf so much as peed outside the city limits the whole pack would start calling and texting and calling meetings to figure out where they were.  Rats, or so Milo thought, were much less silly that that.-

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Date: Jun 23, 2011

A shy smile appeared when Silent entered, peeking over at Milo at the Swamp Wolf's instruction. Bite him? Yeah, that'd happen. NOT! She welcomed the hug from Silent, breathing deep of her scent before she settled into the shadows as the greetings and introductions were given. As much as she'd been a Lupa once she was most comfortable being in the shadows, simply giving silent support.

She watched the growing group, tugging out a small notebook from the back pocket of her jeans. Yes, she was sketching again, keeping her hands busy as she listened. Geller was missing? She frowned slightly, searching her memory for a face to go with the name.

Quick sketches were made of all the people gathering, names scrawled along side.



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Date: Jun 23, 2011

Jessica let Milo be the center of attention, not that she could stop him, not that she wanted to. He made her smile, ever since the day he became her hero, right here in New Orleans, Milo always made her smile. "Hey Silent." Hug was returned, giving the other woman a nuzzling caress of cheek to cheek. "Riding a bitch pad all the way to LA is not what I'd call fun but I survived." The words said with a wink and a smile. She'd ride on a bitch pad to hell and back if Milo was driving but that didn't need to be said did it.

Golden gaze flipped over to Alex, scanning her with something more then just a cursory gaze. Her smile faded as her expression shifted to a more professional mask, making her way over to the young wolf, extending out her hands, "Let's see." fingers gesturing for Alex's hands, focusing on bandages and the faintest scent of blood that clung to the injured girl. Depending on when the injuries occurred she was going to want to do a full and private exam.

Milo and Otis would work with Silent on the search for Geller, she would deal with the injuries.... Alex first.



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Date: Jun 23, 2011

Alex may or may not have squeaked - Milo's hand was fucking huge, okay? - when the big rat reached out and ruffled his hair. "I don't fuckin' know, man. I mean. You're huge, but they're fucking zombie alligators." Right? Wait, that wasn't even relevant, was it?

"Dude, I think Theo broke some traffic laws on our way here, what're you bitching about?" he said to Otis. "And if you're gonna smack my ass, do it harder, man."


Theo grunted and did his damnedest to resist Milo's grip, but... yeah. The guy was fucking huge, and a rat, so he didn't last for more than a second before he went crashing against Milo. The big rat could hug as hard as he wanted. Theo struggled a little, then just bit Milo's side. Not hard... but fuck, really? He was kind of stuck so he'd fucking bite if he wanted to. Besides, he had a damn point to make. Yeah, sure, he and Alex were pretty much fine but that didn't mean things had all been fucking rainbows and sunshine. Not that they needed help. They did fine on their fucking own, thanks.

He glanced up though when Silent said something about her Freki missing. Come to think of it, they hadn't seen Geller in a while and they'd been using his place to play shows. He exchanged a quick look with Alex, but his brother just shrugged.


"What do you mean war?" Alex frowned, resting his head on Otis's shoulder. Fuck.



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Date: Jun 23, 2011
Yea Yea. Karma had gotten Milos message about twinkies..But her lil ass had been glued to the tv. The BSG marathon and that hell ride from baton rouge on the greyline did a number on the naked rat. And for what it was worth..She wasnt goin anywhere till lucy lawless naked was no more...Straight or not that woman would get any gal hot...Even a prude like Karma. But since Alex didnt stop till she was in the back seat and headin to the hookah she just hopped they had cable at this place...But when Theo mention Milo..Karma was as perky as they came. Scared as hell but excited. So when they pulled up to the hookah Karm was like a bat atta hell gunning for Milo...Whille yes the once overly shy omega rat..At this moment she was a shadow of that Jumping up and wrapping her arms around her kings neck which was quite intresting at her barely 5 1 height. Little nuzzels were given. Yup she missed her king and at the moment he alone was the only one who mattered in the whole room...Let alone the world.


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Date: Jun 23, 2011

-Trent's comment made her laugh so hard it was a good thing she didn't fall down the stairs.- "Well, then we truly are up shit creek without a paddle my friend." -Then she caught the awesome intensity of Milo's power and it made her laughter start up all over again.-


"Not the zombie apocolypse.  Just Milo." - She had started back down the stairs but then turned to look over her shoulder at Trent.- "Trust me.  Milo's worse."


-Heading back into the kitchen Nyx moved among the bodies like a dancer.  Thin as a rail and lacking in any feminine curves she managed to look sexy in her baggy jeans and the strip of cloth she dared to call a shirt.  Her cheek was nuzzled to the faces of those she knew: Jessice, Milo, Otis, Sil and Alex and she sent a finger wave in the direction of the rats she didn't know.  Then she moved towards where William was holding up the wall.-


"You look like you're ready to disappear into the wood work peeper." -Yeah she had caught what Milo said and jokingly tugged on the new guys shirt.- "Why don't you come help me scrounge up some drinks.  Milo thinks better when the wheels in his head are loosened up a bit."

-Dragging William along with her she went through the doors of the kitchen and into the Hookah proper, heading behind the bar.  She started handing bottles and glasses over to William until his arms were full and then tucked a few in the crooks of her own thin arms.-

"So what's your name? I'm guessing it isn't Mutt."


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Date: Jun 23, 2011

-The bite to his side gave Milo half a stock and on Milo Jones that made for some pretty cramped Dickies.  Yeah, he owed the brothers a talk.  Something of the serious non-stripper and booze variety.  Every now and then those serious things slipped into anyone's life.  Even his.  One of those meathook hands gave a pinch to Theo's ass as the rat was looking at his brother and Milo's voice lowered to a rumbling pitch.-


"We'll talk soon.  You and me.  Get our shit sorted."


-The rumble in his voice and the pinch to the ass could have seemed sexual or angry, but on Milo it was just...him.  Geller was missing, Silent was worried, and they had a peeper on their hands.  Well, Nyx did anyway.  He rubbed his scruffy cheek to the skinny wolfs as she passed and took William with her to go get supplies.  Silent was still chatting up Jess and he was about to interrupt and ask more about Geller when suddenly a ball of red rat fire flew into his arms.-


"Well holy shit."


-Milo's lanky tattooed arms wrapped around Karma in a bone crunching squeeze that made a squeal come out of her.  Then he held her at arms length, hands hooked in her under arms dangling her above the floor, and looked her over from head to toe.-


"You smell like Karma, but you sure don't look like the little red head that used to hide in Knox's bed."

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Date: Jun 23, 2011

Theo actually shuddered a bit when he heard the rumble in Milo's voice, whatever the tone meant. But he nodded. "Yeah, we should do that." He understood maybe Milo had his own shit to sort out recently, but still. Nevermind how he felt about the pinch, other than the fact that now his ass kinda hurt. 


He heard Milo's low-toned comment and wondered if that meant both of them were gonna have a sit down or if talking to one of them counted at talking to both. He didn't want to think about that right now, things were okay, right? At least right that second. 

Alex smiled when Karma finally made it in and kinda launched herself at Milo. She'd been looking for him, and the Black brothers hadn't been able to tell her where he was or when he'd be back, but that part of everything was okay now, right? He leaned his head on Otis's shoulder, tightening his arms and legs like he was afraid of falling off. 

"She's been hiding in mine, recently," Alex mumbled, hiding a sly grin. What? They hadn't been fucking or anything. Usually if Karma fell asleep in his bed, he slept on the couch, or vice versa. He was a total fucking gentleman, thanks. 



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Date: Jun 23, 2011

He was getting sick and tired of being assumed to be a pup. How everyone seemed to know he was a Wolf was equally as annoying. He snarled inside those shields, begining to wonder if it was even of any importance to keep them up at this point. He was so engrossed in these thoughts that he was unaware that Nyx even came back downstairs. It wasn't untill she grabbed that animal skin top of his that he snapped out of his thoughts. He eyed her carefully, then was tugged into the kitchen somewhat willingly.

He watched her, and listened back to the other room as she filled his arms with liquor. Eventually, he'd turn back to her, his eyes focusing once more. His name. He wasn't sure he wanted to give it, he was getting a grand mixture of auras in this place, and he wasn't quite sure what he was dealing with. The last thing he needed was a repeat of Carlisle. After some time of deliberation, he'd figure he'd settle with just a first name, for now.

"Will." He said softly, though with that cockney drawl still oozing from his lips.



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Date: Jun 23, 2011

Alex winced when Silent asked if she'd eaten him and just gave a nod of her head, looking away, then back, that temper that was half hers, and mostly his flaired to the surface. "Fucker starved me..." Her voice was a low growl and accent thick enough to walk on. "I ...I couldn't help it damn it...." She blinked at the racket comming from out front, and that growl trickled out again. First Lou comming in, then Milo followed by Jess, and the big rat, Otis. Fuck to many people in to short a space of time. Her head was reeling. She hadn't even heard Silent's offer to go upstairs.

And soon it was too late, she was hauled off her feet and into a crushing hug that had her yelping in pain, only barely managing to bite it back. She was thinner then she'd been. Malnurished and...Well...yeah. Her oh so loving brother had managed to leave his mark in more than one way on his baby sister.

Back on her feet, she was distracted as Jess came forward, hand extended in a silent command to let her see. Holding out both hands, she let Jess inspect both wrists that were raw and bloody from the silver chains that had been holding her imobile for so long. There were other places where the silver had rested against her skin, and they were covered with bandages as well. A lovely bruise from temple to cheekbone. The wounds Jess couldn't see were hidden by her tshirt. She kept focused on her hands, and spoke quietly. "there's more...."


And now even more people comming in. Another blond with dreads, and she was pulling back from Jess, and moving back towards Silent. Pressing against the swamp wolf, and watching warily. " we even know who the fuck we're going to war with??" This was aimed at whoever knew what the fuck was going on. Cause alex sure as hell didn't. She'd only gotten out of the swamps day before last.


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Date: Jun 24, 2011

Remi was off in her own little world, working on a new sketch, when the phone chirped at her, telling her a text had come in. A few more minutes, and she blinked, reaching for it, and finally reading the message. Smirk of her lips and a head shake, sent bright pink dreadlocks dancing over her shoulders as she tossed the sketch book aside, and rolled to her feet.

Keys were snagged, shoes slipped on, and she was out of the appartment and heading towards the Hookah before she'd really registered what the text had said. other than she needed to get her ass there. Other than working at the shop, she really hadn't seen either of the brothers in a few weeks, and she figured it was time to make up for that.

The Explorer was pulled into a spot not far from the Hookah, and she soon found herself slipping in, and following the sound of voices towards the back. Hands were thrust into the pockets of baggy black cargos. A black tshirt that exposed her midrift and sported the Skin Deep logo on the front, and goggles that held the dreadlocks and braids back from her face perched ontop her head. Amber eye's watched in amusement, seeing Alex and Theo interacting with Otis, a blond rat she didn't know, and a large ass male that could only be Milo.

as Milo finally let Theo go, she stepped next to Otis, arms crossed over her stomach, and watching as he lifted the blond rat off her feet, inspecting her, eye's shifting towards the others. wolves....a kitty...the hell was going on? Finally looking up at Otis, that thick irish accent spilled free from peirced lips, rolling and musical. "The fuck's going on? We having a party or somethin?" and was the kitchen of the Hookah really the place to be having it?


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Date: Jun 24, 2011

Her focus was on Alex, clinical as she looked over the bandages, her fingers gentle when the moved over the young woman's arms, careful not to hurt the wounds. "I'm sorry I wasn't here." Her words near silent, pitched for Alex alone to hear. 

"there's more..."

"I know hon, I know," it wasn't just her eyes and the light touch of her hands that were examining Alex, the Other part of her, the warmth of her cat was roaming around the injured wolf, a swirl of warmth that Alex would be able to feel. Something Jess didn't do often but it was something that she could do was use her cat to heal. But this wasn't the place, especially when Alex withdrew to press herself to Silent's side, taking comfort from the other wolf.

She nodded, eyes locking on Silent's a moment, a silent communication she hoped the other woman understood. Alex would need treatment and soon, something to prevent the scarring of from silver and, hopefully, to reduce the scarring on her soul from what happened.

"When things settle a bit more Alex, I'd like to do a full exam and take care of those injuries." Words phrased as a request but they held a hint of a doctor's command. Healing a wolf was more difficult then healing a leopard but it was doable, especially with someone that she was familiar with but it was something that had to be done in private. It was an intimate experience after all.

Timing of course being everything meant that her phone decided to start chiming. Not her personal phone but her work phone, the hospital phone that should not be ringing since they knew that she'd be away. Her eyes narrowed slightly at the interruption, tugging the phone from its holster as she stepped away from the others, pausing only a moment to brush a hand along Milo's arm. "McFarland." The word murmured into the phone, brow furrowing a she listened. "Alright, I'm on my way."

All business as she hung up and put the phone back on her hip, moving to Milo to steal a not quick kiss, "I have to get to the hospital. A shifter was brought in severely injured. He's unconscious but healing so quickly they know he's strong, they need me there in case there's an issue." She glanced around the room, "I need keys or a ride." Yeah, she was looking for a volunteer to get her there. Alex would be here choice since she needed treatment as well but this was not necessarily the time to pull her away from the comfort of Silent and the other wolves.

 (Jessica is continued at

-- Edited by JESSICA MCFARLAND on Friday 24th of June 2011 12:37:48 PM

-- Edited by JESSICA MCFARLAND on Friday 24th of June 2011 12:39:38 PM



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Date: Jun 24, 2011

War? Shit, sounds like fun. Grin was in place as he held position, even with Milo buffetting Frak's head and the little shit just clinging to him. Look ma! He's very own Frak BackPack! It can't carry shit but it looks damn cool! The whizbang of Karma's greeting had him laughing, shit she was like another Frak... sort of... swirling up and around Milo, that tiny frame just clinging to the lanky bastard.

Theo... well, Theo and Milo would have there time together and shit would get straightened out. 

He swatted Alex's ass again, grinning, "Mouse," Yes, Mouse was his name for Karma, because she was more like a Mouse then a Rat sometimes, "you gonna hide in my bed one day?" Leering at the little bit of a thing as she clung to the King.

His eyes were scanning constantly, watching as people moved about, keeping view of the doors, always alert. The latest entrant had his grin broadening. "'bout time you fuckin' got here Pinky." Arm wrapped about the Irish Rat when she moved to his side, tugging her against him in a hug. "Milo... ya ever notice that these young rats just got to fuck up their hair?" A long pink lock was grabbed in meaty fist, giving it a light tug. "What the fuck is with this shit?" He was teasing of course. It was just funny to him. He remembered his first rodere, shit there was more high n' tights and buzz cuts then on a damn army base on those fuckers and now, well, every color of the damn rainbow on long, short and dreaded was the thing. 

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Date: Jun 24, 2011

- Milo had tucked Karma back into his arms, holding the dreadlocked rat on his hip like someone would a child.  This was a rather big child but Milo was a big guy so it didn't matter.  Holding her there easily with just one of those lanky arms he gave a happy rat hiss at the closeness of all the rats and wolves, and when Nyx and Mutt came back with bottle of booze his night was perfection.  Walking with Karma bouncing on his hip he let Nyx hand him one of the bottles of Jack with the top conveniently removed so he could take a slug of the burning liquid from the bottle before offering it to Karma.-


"Yeah Otis.  I noticed." -The Rat King's lime green eyes looked over the one called Pinky with thin lips peeled back in that sneering grin.- "They can't help it that they don't look as naturally gorgeous as we do."


-His narrow face gave a shake, letting those long dark brown strands messily shake around his face.  From time to time he too would dye streaks of red or blonde into his hair, but without Barbie or Tommy there to help he hadn't done it in awhile.- "It's not exactly a party yet Pink.  Maybe it could be or maybe it'll be a fight.  We're still trying to figure that out.  You gonna come give a greeting to your King or do I need to get a little rough with you first?"


-He wasn't above that.  Milo liked it rough.  With lots of licks and noogies and tumbling around.  Pinky didn't look like someone trying to deny a dominant his proper authority, just stunned by the sheer number of people in the kitchen, so he wasn't being too serious about it with her.  As she greeted him they were interrupted by Jessie's sudden phone call.  That woman of his was an angel.  Always helping others.-


"Frik. Frak.  Break the speed limits again and get Jessie to the hospital yeah.  Then hang there with her till she can come back here." -Milo had a tendency to strike people as a giant chaotic force of nature, but he wasn't all brawn.  There was a tiny little brain stuck in all that pulp somewhere.  He had heard what Alex and Jessie had been saying and he nodded to the she-wolf.- "You should go with 'em.  Let Jessie check you out fully after she finishes."


-It never occured to Milo that ordering people around might not suit them.  He was just so used to it.  So he inadvertently ordered Theo and Alex to be cheaffeurs, ordered Jessie to treat Alex after she was down, and ordered Alex to go while her Ulfric stood there.  But the thing was that Jessie and the boys probably would have done their part with or without his orders, and Silent usually trusted Milo's judgement.  He'd heard something about Ash so he added.-


"Ash won't get mad that ya left.  I'll wait here till he comes and let him know I made ya go."


-Not that Milo ordered Ash around.  If there was one lycanthrope who Milo thought actually might beat him in a fight, it was Ash Redfern.  Not that that would stop Milo from fighting and not that he would ever admit that out loud.  But Ash was one bad ass motherfucker with a badge.  No arguing with that.-

"Love ya babe.  I'll see ya soon."


-With Karma still wrapped around his waist he took Jessie in his free arm and gave her a real Rhett Butler kiss.  Bowing her backwards he found her mouth in a fast hard kiss that explored her mouth with his tongue before pulling away and sending her off to work with the boys and Alex. That cut the kitchen population down by four, but it was still pretty full.-

"Now, about that drink? And about Geller?"


-He looked at Silent waiting for more info as drinks were passed around and they settled in to see what was coming next.-

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Date: Jun 24, 2011

Theo opened his mouth to offer Jess a ride, but Milo got to it before he did. He rolled his eyes but got his keys out of his pocket anyway. He didn't say anything about getting ordered around, just kind of inclined to go with it for now since it had been his idea in the first place. Besides, it might not be a bad idea to get Alex out of there before the coke started wearing off and he realized he was in a room full of wolves. 

Alex slid down off Otis's back. "Why's everyone gotta say shit about my hair? Or Theo's? It's fucking awesome, natural or not. Mother fuckers." Hospital? Yeah he wasn't even going to think about that shit right now, he'd just go along for the ride or whatever.

"If we get arrested again your asses are bailing us out," Theo grumbled. But then, with a tone that was way more polite and almost friendly he asked Jess and Alex, "Are you ready to go?" Hey, they were ladies. His mom had raised him right. He'd even apologize about their shitty car, but at least it wasn't the bitch seat on a bike, right? 



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Date: Jun 24, 2011

Having pressed herself back against Silent's side, She blinked when Milo said she should go with Jess. And while she didn't really want to leave Silent and the comfort of the other wolves that were there, to be with a leopard and two rats...Well it was kinda hard to say no when Milo told you to do things. Maybe it was the fact that he was like a fuckin monkey on crack bouncin around, but you just couldn't help but do it.

Glancing at Silent, she finally nodded and let go, looking over to Nyx. "Keep an eye on Helix please?" The damn beohemouth would go nuts once she left the store, and he seemed to like Nyx, so hopefully he'd calm down for her. Moving carefully to Jess, she glanced at the two brothers, giving a small nod of her head and waited off to the side, listening to the conversations going on around them. The new commers. The...the hell was with the dreadlocks on everybody and the rainbow colors anyway?? and why in teh name of all things holy would you dye your hair PINK???

Alex however was smart enough to keep that observation to herself, as frankly, she knew if she opened her mouth to voice it, it would come out with something more likely to be heard out of Xavier's mouth and not her own. And the female rat scared her a little. Why she had no clue, seeing how Milo and Otis reacted to her.

So when Jess was finally ready, she followed after her, and Alex adn Theo, arms curled around her body. Fuck she hated hospitals......


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Date: Jun 24, 2011

And she was suddenly pulled against the bigger rat's side, with an arm slung around her shoulders. Giving a snort she gave him a playful shove. "Psh. Says the man that hasn't shown his face in the many weeks?" It was all good natured. The sleek black rat was curious about this new male, who's energy seemed to swamp her when she came in, and Remi wasn't a weak rat either. She might not be anywhere near as strong as Milo, and she wasn't as strong as Otis. But she could sure as shit hold her own.

The tug on one of the dreads that swung well past her ass had her giving an elbow jab to Otis's stomach. "Aye now watch it boy-o. If  you be havin hair that damn near hits yer ankles, you'd be goin about findin a way to keep it under control as well. The dreads and braids keep it from going every which way and getting caught and tangled on everythin on gods green earth, and the color? Well, after 25 years, i got bored with the regular black!"

The comment from Milo about not being as as naturally gorgeous as he and Otis had a full throated laugh comming from the little Irish rat, and Amber eye's danced merrily with amusement as she watched him with a grin. "If being so naturally gorgeous as this one here" she jerked a thumb back at Otis as she stepped forward, hands on her hips, "is the goal? I think I'll be passin and keepin me looks as they are, lad. thanks all the same."

Asked if she was going to be giving Milo a greeting, she smiled and gave a nod, moving to do just that, and as she stepped back, hands disapeared back into pockets once more. "Aye, and I've been waiting to do so since I got to town, but you seem to be a might hard to find as of late. Pinky be the name that tall blond an ugly here gave me. But my name's Remi. It's not all that hard to remember I don't think."

Cocky little bitch, and a smart ass to boot she was. Remi made no apologies for it. she was who she was, and she'd not change it for anyone. King or no. He'd take her as she was, or she'd get her ass kicked sooner or later. Somehow though, she had a feeling he'd laugh it all off.

"now then. who the hell are we thinking of fighting or partying with?" the question was asked, as she watched Alex and Theo disapear with the leopard and the Wolf that looked like she might shit herself if you said boo the wrong way.


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Date: Jun 24, 2011

The car squeeked to a sudden halt in front of the Hookah, and Dee, Sirus, and Laney spilled out of the car. When Dee first entered inside, she was immediately drowned in everyone's power and beast that was present. There was so much activity and power play in the place that Dee almost lost her balance. She didn't recognize anyone that was here, except Silent and Nyx. Trent, she never met before, neither William or Milo and Otis, and the red-headed beauty named Lou, but that didn't phase her. They would all have their formal introductions probably before the night ended.

When Dee approached Silent, she brushed her cheek against the multi-color beauty, burying her nose behind her ear, and finally embraced her in a hug. "Thank you for this Silent, this means the world to me." She didn't know who knew about Geller, so she raised her voice over the others that were currently in conversation. "I have received news about Geller. He has been found, and is currently at the hospital. Ash sent me here to tell everyone, and to get all that need to go to the hospital safely. Silent, you can decide who goes to the hospital and who stays, and if you would like me to go, I can assure you that I will get everyone there safely."




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Date: Jun 24, 2011
"Will huh? Sure beats Mutt." -Nyx let her nonexistent hip bump Will slightly as she passed him in the kitchen. A nod of her head was given towards a table.- "Would you set the bottles and glasses up over there Will? This lot can serve their damn selves."
-But of course she did hand Milo a bottle of his very own.  You just didn't ignore a request from the King of Rats.  The room was clearing out a little as Jessie, Frik, Frak, and Alex left after Jessie got a phone call and that seemed to make some of the others tension go down.  Setting down the other bottle she had Nyx looked across the table at Will as she poured herself a drink, a nice tall glass of Stoli, it would make her Russian blood sing.-
"So what's your story Will? Why were you peeping outside the Hookah?"
-Nyx lifted the glass and took a sip letting the swirl of mayhem that Milo always brought along go on around her as if it was the most normal thing in the world.  She listened to Will and would have responded except shortly after he'd finished speaking the back door flew open wide again and more wolves came into the building.  Nyx mumbles "oh what fresh hell is this" and let her tempermental violet eyes look at the people piling into the kitchen.  Dee Dee was followed by Nyx's older "brother" Sirus, Laney, Venus (? I think), and whoever else had just come over from Geller's house.-
-While Dee Dee was reporting to the Ulfric Nyx did a mental tally of the room: herself, Will, Lou, Silent, Remi, Karma, Milo, Otis, Trent, Dee, Sirus, etc, etc. Holy hell on wheels BatMan.  It was packed in here.  After her little count down Nyx looked at Silent.  It seemed they were all looking at Silent and waiting to see what the Ulfric wanted them to do next.-
"Hey Sil, if you want to be at the hospital when he wakes up go ahead with Dee Dee.  I don't mind staying here and looking after the Hookah, giving everybody some food and drink till the verdict comes in."
-For pities sake not everyone could go to the hospital! The place would implode and they'd probably all be arrested.  Nyx could make those who stayed behind entertained until the news came in on Geller.-

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Date: Jun 24, 2011

-Trent had followed Nyx down the stairs and was then doing his best to "blend".  Normally a guy wearing nail polish with neon red hair didn't blend well, but in this crowd it was surprisingly easy.  Eventually he grabbed a bottle of water, since he didn't drink alcohol, and went to stand near Lou.  Trent was unobtrusive, he didn't want to bother her, he just sipped his water, smoked his cigarette, and watched her as she drew her beautiful pictures.  He was sort of zoned out into watched her pencil move when Dee Dee burst in.  His head snapped up, eyes wide, and he realized that he hadn't even noticed people leaving.-

-Listening to what she said he turned his moss green eyes to Silent who had a decision to make.  Nyx spoke up and he nodded at her comment and raised a hand that Silent could see, letting her know that he didn't mind staying behind either.  This was Geller, the man had more friends and acquaintances than anyone, that hospital would be packed enough.-

"I can go see him tomorrow or something.  I love him but I don't want to overwhelm him you know? I can stay here so other people closer to him can go to the hospital."

-He was just trying to be helpful.  Plus he was a newer lycanthrope and more than a little skittish about ending up in a hospital which was just a shade too close to ending up in a lab.  Drinking from his bottle of water he waited like the others for Silent to make up her mind.-

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Date: Jun 24, 2011
The whole whirl of activity was hard to follow even for Silent.  People leaving...drinks being poured...people practically molesting people...just another night at the ole Hookah.  DeeDees appearance came right as Silent was getting the call from Alex so she had Alex screaming in one ear and Dee talking like a first rate military woman in front of her.  Speaking into the phone she said "Okay Alex.  Right there." and to Dee she said, "It's alright Dee.  And yea that would help a lot."
Everyone seemed to be looking at her but the swamp queen was used to it.  A few offers of people wanting to stay, people wanting to go...she looked at Milo first.
"You decide for your rats and I'll decide for the wolves." Splitting the task worked just fine and it was like their old partnership once again Rainbow Brite and the Mayhem Machine.  Looking over the people in the Hookah Silent began calling names.  It sucked to feel like a teacher.
"Alright Nyx, Trent, you stay here.  Same for Lou, Laney, Sirus, and Mutt." She had made her decision based on who knew Geller most and who didn't. "Venus you go with Dee and I to the hospital."
There, done, and anyone who she had forgotten could just pipe up if they wanted too.  Passing by Sirus she put a hand on her eldest pups arm and leaned in to whisper. "Watch that one, don't let him leave." She indicated Will with her head but spoke low enough that no one would hear or see.  Will was a new wolf, not pack, and Silent wanted to chat with him after all this dust settled.  She trusted Sirus to be strong enough to handle keeping him there till she could come back.  Waiting for Milo to make his cut of the rats they would then follow Dee out to the car and head to the hospital.

-- Edited by SILENT on Friday 24th of June 2011 05:59:08 PM



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Date: Jun 24, 2011

-There was some drinking.  There was some chatter.  Milo pinched an ass, groped a breast, and possibly kicked at Otis a little, and then the serious world descended again.  Dee gave Silent the news and Silent started picking a wolf line up expecting Milo to do the same for the rats.  Technically he didn't think any of the rats even knew Geller, or at least not well, except for himself and Otis. Conferring with Otis for a minute in low voices he set Karma down beside Remi.-


"Okay here's the scoop.  Karma, Remi, Otis you all stay here and have fun.  I'll go keep the wolf lady company and play guard at the hospital.  Gonna send Frik and Frak back here if they want to come so they can fill you guys in on what's happening on that end. Otis, you're in charge.  Don't let anything happen while I'm gone."


-Otis could make things happen or keep things from happening in a big violent sense.  He was a good one to guard here while Milo did the same on the other side of town.  Though what they were guarding against no one seemed to know.  This was why having a heirarchy of command was nice.  Milo felt fine leaving Otis in charge while he was gone.  Nuzzling the rats goodbye and giving Otis a pop in the arm Milo left with Silent, Dee, and possibly the woman who looks like his ex-wife to go to the hospital.-

(Manda why don't you do the link and transition for us from Hookah to Hospital since Dee is driving lol)

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Date: Jun 24, 2011

Lou was doing her quiet thing, sitting off to the side and simply observing, notating the goings on with sketches. Her lower lip was raw from the amount of gnawing she was doing on it as tension in the room rose and fell with the additions of new people. Milo was a whirlwind of power, making her draw her own meager power inwards. Otis, the other big rat was a steady thrum of power and between them the other rats seemed to circulate. Alex and Theo had been given a quick smile but that was all before they were sent off with Jessica and the injured Alex to the hospital. Things seemed to get even more insane as phones rang and more wolves arrived, making Lou's eyes widen. Were there really this many of them here in the Big Easy? She hadn't known, hadn't met even half of the pack. When the other red head joined her she offered a quick nod of greeting before ducking her head to focus on her drawing, wild curls falling to shelter her features.

Trent's offer to stay had a faint smile touching her lips. It was nice of him, to offer. He knew Geller but he'd allow others to go first. She peeked at him from the corner of her eyes, shifting slightly to make it easier for him to see what she was doing. He'd seemed interested after all. Her head lifted again when Silent spoke, nodding an agreement to the assignments given. She didn't know Geller, staying here woule make more sense. "Call if you need anything." Soft words but she knew Silent would hear them. There wasn't much else she could do, not at the moment but she'd be here, ready to do whatever was needed. 



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Date: Jun 24, 2011

He smirked when Milo sent off Frik & Frak to the hospital. He'd half expected to be sent himself but this was a better idea, getting the more squirrelly of the young rate out from being around all the twitchy wolves. It would give Frik some responsibility and Frak a breather.... sort of. Eh, Frak would fuckin' deal with the hospital.

He grinned at Pinky's wiseass comments, it was why she fit in, she could keep up with him and most likely with Milo. "Bullshit, you know you want some of this." Gesturning at himself before letting a meaty hand swat at her ass when she made her way to Milo. He'd claimed his own bottle from Nyx, tipping his head to the waitress. "Thanks Goldilocks." 

He moved towards the door, claiming a spot like a bouncer at a club, easily able to watch incoming and outgoing as well as what was happening on the street and in the room around him. A long swig was taken from the bottle before nodding as Ulfric and King apportioned out tasks. "We're fuckin' solid here." Behind his shades he scanned over those assigned to stay behind, the Big Ol' Rat doing a bit of scouting of its own on the preternatural plane. It was a mixed bag they had here but they'd make due. Hopefully it would just be a party. If not, well, kickin' ass with a bunch of wolves was a party in its own right.

"Mouse, why don't you hang with Thing 1 and Thing 2 over there," thumb gestured to the pair of redheads. "Pinky you, Baby Badass and Stretch make nice." A tip of his head indicating Laney and Sirius. That just left Mutt but since he was Silent's 'present' Otis was going to keep an eye on him. That should have everything covered. See? Otis knows his shit and was about as rock solid as they come.

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Date: Jun 24, 2011

The big gathering offered no real familiarity. It was already different from what he knew in Carlisle, there they acted like a family. A chaotic, demented, fucked up in the head family.... but a family nonetheless. And then... there were Rats, and a Cat. He didn't know what the hell was going on here, and now felt the desire to just get out and try at some other time to get to know the Wolves here.

But... when would he get the chance? Could he just bolt out of there. He didn't care about anyone here that wasn't a Wolf, and he was having a hard time caring about the Wolves at that. He set the bottles down on the table he was directed to, and that was that. He once more slipped off to a quiet corner, so he could observe, and hopefully go without much further notice.

Since everyone seemed to be calling him Mutt, he assumed there was no point in hiding,  his shields would come down, and his power would be allowed to roam. The scent of leaves and wood lingered in the room, atop that all too familiar scent of the wolf itself. There was something more though, and his eyes would seem alight with ... whatever it was, as he perused each wolf in the room. He would ignore anything else unless he was forced to pay it any attention. Arms would be folded over his chest, as he leaned against the wall and surveyed.



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Date: Jun 24, 2011

Thing 1 and Thing 2? Seriously? She glanced at Trent and couldn't help it, a little giggle escaped. OK, she could see it, sort of. Otis seemed to just rename everyone with some sort of logic that made sense only to him. She watched the new guy help Nyx serve drinks and then ease himself off to the side. She could tell when he relaxed, when his shields dropped and offered a quick smile. A glance was directed at Trent before she looked back at 'Mutt'.

"Hey. I'm Lou." softly uttered words, "Don't worry. Silent... she'll die for her wolves." The pack was new in a lot of ways, just forming, just getting a personality of its own but Silent... well, it was true, once you were 'hers' she'd die for you, it was just that simple.



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Date: Jun 24, 2011

So much for no further notice. His eyes would quickly dart over Lou. At least it was a wolf bothering him, and not one of the ones that seemed straight out of a circus. His power would reach out to her, brushing against her in greeting, as his eyes focused on her. He'd nod his head briefly.

"'allo dere."



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Date: Jun 25, 2011

After nodding to Silent's decision, Dee strode out of the Hookah with Silent and Milo, and headed towards the vehicle.

Post continues here......




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