Character Sheet Code
Twenty Seven, Female, Legend
N I C K NA M E : Sus, Suzie
B I R T H D A T E : 10/24/1985
E Y E C O L O R : Hazel
H A I R C O L O R : Dirty Blonde
H E I G H T : 5'7
W E I G H T : 125lbs
D I S T G U I S H I N G F E A T U R E S : Webbed Toes, Freckles
F L A V O R : Mokole
D E S C R I P T I O N : Mokole Form: 10 Foot Swamp Gator. Dragon form: 11 Foot Gator with the ability to walk upright
S K I L L S :
* Fishing
* Noodling
* Trapper
* Survivalist
* Driving [vechiles as well as airboats/boats]
* Voodoo Practitioner - Religious Belief
* Bow Hunting
* Deer Hunting
* Pheasant/Duck Hunting
A B I L I T E S :
* Holding Breath - All Mokole can hold there breath for long amounts of time while in human form
* Remembering the Past - All Mokole/Dragonkin are gifted with the ability to see memories from prior dragonkin limited to the last to posses the gift/curse.
* Enhanced Hearing
* Enhanced Sight
* Improved Strength and Speed
* Improved Resiliance
* Regeneration
* Hiding - Ability to blend into water/swamp in Dragon and Mokole form
* Slowed Aging - a slow rate of cellular decay due to some offset of magic in the blood.
* Control with Blood
* Command Beasts - Crocodiles/Alligators
* Shifting - Fluid Shift [ Since Mokole are magical creatures, the shift is always easy once learned at an early age. There is no explosion of clear fluid only a blurring of features. Most people never see a Mokole change as this is gererally against all dragonkin laws to show outsiders the magic behind the shift]
* Instill Fear/ Bellow: The very presence of the Beast is frightening, their strength knows no ends and in the face of danger, or protecting those they care for. The dragons mere presence can instill such fear to that it can shatter the will of an opponent to fight.
* Sleep of the Dragons -This is used to enter a state of hibernation until a set period of time or a specific event takes place. Slowed aging takes place during this time, hair and nails may grow at a slower rate due to the slowed heartbeat.
W E A P O N S C A R R I E D : Pocket Knife
W E A P O N S O W N E D : Bat, Set of Bear Gryllis Gerber knives including several: Drop point serrated, Folding knife, Parang, machette. Weatherby Semi Automatic Turkey gun, Browning Mazus for Duck/Geese, .243 Remington Model Seven SS for deer[carried in truck], 338 Winchester Magnum for big game, Redhead XP-35 Bow, PSE X-Force Bow [carried in truck]
A C C E S S O R I E S : Cellphone, several maps, pens, business cards, pocket warmers, credit cards
H O M E : Outside of New Orleans, in Chalmette. Owns a simple three bedroom house, second house within the swap territory owned.
O C C U P A T I O N : Bayou tourguide, Hunter
E X T R A D E T A I L S : Several Airboats [public and private use], Pull Camper, 2009 Dodge Ram, Two ATF Vechiles, Pontoon Boat
B I R T H P L A C E : New Orleans, LA
F A M I L Y :
Valentin Tisono - Brother Age 36
Juliett Tisono - Sister Age 21
Maven Tisono - Mother Age 59
Rene Tisono - Father Age 61
H I S T O R Y : The Tisono family has roots that go back deep to the beginning. Back when the first settlers decended in New Orleans, back when Voodoo was common practice. Northerners called them swamp folk, and they where right. Hardy tough folk that carved life out of the unforgiving and sometimes dangerous swamps. Five generations of Tisono have been blessed with the Gift/Curse of the Mokole, Susette is the most recent. The history began with Etienne Tisono who was by all accounts a dangerous man of mystery. Etienne was the first Mokole, blending magic and voodoo to create a creature of legend and fear. Etienne used his powers to frighten his rivals however the gift did not last long within Etienne. By age 41 he was shot and killed by several rivals who had banded together to rid the swamps of the fear inducing creature. The gift passed on to Etienne's son Olivier who was only three years old at the time. Within the course of several days Etienne's wife noticed the webbing growing between the boy child's toes. The intelligence in his eyes that was shocking for someone at that age. And so it began. being passed down from one child to another to another till Juliett Tisono, Susette's grandmother. A Matriarch of the Tisono family lived in virtual solitude within the safety of her three hundred acre swamp land. It was during this time that she passed away not just a few months before Susette was born. Maven knew the next child heavy in her stomach would bear the gift/curse of the Mokole. So it was. Susette was born with the obvious webbed toes and almost yellow eyes. She was common child for most of her life, playing with her siblings, attending school. However there was an unsettling quality about her, an intelligence that showed and age well beyond her simply years. Some said she had old eyes or an old soul. Juliett, her grandmother's memories helped guide her at an early age. Every mistake, every great deed was understood, giving Susette a more profound outlook on life. Susette barily batted an eye during her younger years in school, it all seemed far too simple for her. She graduated highschool early and entered into Tulane University with a major in Wetland Science and a minor in Wildlife Ecology studies. Rene and Maven passed the operation of Bayou Airboat Tours to Valentin and Susette allowing them to travel and enjoy retirement. Since graduating Susette has used those colder months, to travel abroad for big game hunting allowing her brother to run the business. Due to the nature of the Mokole within her, hunting is second nature. The three hundred acre swamp land that is owned by the Tisono clan is guarded jealously by Susette. Just as most gators are terrtorial, the Mokole is no different. Notices and wire fencing outline the full extent of the perimiter not allowing hunting, giving both local gators a safehaven of sorts from humans and other creatures.
A L I A S : Kitty
P L A Y B Y : Brittney Leigh Glaze