I have had quit a bit of a life-style change from leaving New Orleans.Opened up a small Italian Tavern and really enjoyed living in the social atmosphere a bar/restaurant has to offer. What better way then to know you’ve caused a few drunks to fall out of their chair because of my tits? Should put up a hazard sign that drinking beer causes breast to become even more gigantic – or should I contact my insurances for hazards?
Aside from that one of my waitresses (Tia) invited me to see a growing popular band.A band that she’s rather obsessed over from being introduced from a friend, of a friend, friend….you know how that is. Any’hoot – I decided to go. I haven’t really gone out and did something. Seems like for a year I’ve been in this emotional love train wreck and seriously depressing. We became super drunk. I made out with her and found myself feeling dominate.There was this camera guy walking around and asked me to pose while watching the stage.I was glad he did. As my ‘date’ Tia strolled off closer to the stage I had by chance met Alex.
At first I didn’t recognized him as the singer. I recognized him when he was being gyrated by a stripper.I met Geller there to visit someone of his old friends. A friend who kept saying I looked like his ex-wife.That is a whole other dirty secret I’m so not getting into. So, Alex is this really, really shy guy. Though not so shy to compliment me on my tits when he autograph my photograph?
So me and him were having a great time drinking, smoothing and this ho-bags come out of no where trying to ram him with their fan-base bullshit. Tugging on his hair and his clothing while pleading for him to sign their breast? I don’t know what came over me but I punched one girl aiding Alex out of they female hazard zone. He seemed grateful? Aside from that physical aggression I really had a great time meeting him. Would have been longer if work didn’t press me to abandon him in the fire stairwell?Was it bad for me that I gave him the smallest of kisses being a bi-woman? Huh?
Good news is I got a text from Silent and she invited me to Salem to see her. Silent asked me? Do you know how ….how ….exhilarating that is? I have always wanted to spend time with silent. Ever since Geller took me to meet her at the Hookah, but he did all the talking so I couldn’t really interact with her. Then things came up and all my hopes to just know this legendary woman escaped my opportunity. I still am stunned she remembers me?So tomorrow I’m gonna pack up and head on down. Then make a visit down to New Orleans for Thanksgiving if I’m welcomed?
-- Edited by VENUS AMORTI on Saturday 19th of November 2011 10:53:41 PM
-- Edited by VENUS AMORTI on Saturday 19th of November 2011 10:54:04 PM
-- Edited by VENUS AMORTI on Monday 19th of December 2011 06:55:33 PM
- Headsets were put upon her eardrumbs to drown out the house. To listen to the portion of her soul. The song instantly played and she let it help her clense the hurt she felt inside. -