D I S T G U I S H I N G F E A T U R E S : Tattoo's: Lily (right hip) Ankh (back) Kanji for water (left shoulder)
F L A V O R : Paranormal, Telekinetic/Telemetric
S K I L L S : * Mixing Drinks * Tending Bar * Self Defense/Martial Arts * Throwing Weapons
A B I L I T E S :
* Telemetry: (Level 2) The ability to touch objects or people and receive information about the past. Commonly called a touch-node. * Telekinesis: (Level 5) The ability to transport or levitate objects at will.
W E A P O N S C A R R I E D : two sterling silver throwing knives(one in each boot)
W E A P O N S O W N E D : A double edged short sword. (collector's item: kept in a case at home)
A C C E S S O R I E S : Silver ankh and amethyst crystal necklaces, backpack with keys, id, no more than $200 in cash, one credit/debit card, extra pair of gloves, change of clothes, sunglasses, make-up and beer. 2009 Mustang Convertible
H O M E : Currently a 3 bedroom Loft above the Hookah Lounge in the French Quarter with Silent and Nyx. In process of packing the house for a possible move.
O C C U P A T I O N : Fashion Model, Manager of the Hookah
B I R T H P L A C E : Fayetteville, NC
F A M I L Y: All deceased except her mother, Holly
H I S T O R Y :
Lorissa was born in Fayetteville N.C. to Samuel and Holly McDermott. Samuel was stationed as an army pilot, meaning, Lorissa was an army brat. Within the first 14 years of her life, they moved nine times. Moving so many times made Lorissa a quiet child. She wasn't shy, just everytime she seemed to make friends, they had to move again, so she stopped trying. Soon after she started highschool, her parents calmly sat her down one day after classes and told Lori that they were getting a divorce, and that Lori was going to be staying with her mother, so she wouldn't have to move anymore until she finished school. At the breaking of her family, Lori became even more withdrawled. She maintained her grades, but being fourteen, she had reached her "rebellious" teen years. Finding out she was actually going to be staying put for at least the next four years, she started hanging out with what her mother decided was the "wrong crowd". The music she started listening to was loud and angry, her clothing became darker.
Then, not even a year later, walking home from a friend's house after sunset, Lori was attacked. Her attacker, had only one thing in mind with this tiny girl. While her shirt was torn, and she was thrown into a wall, a scream ripping from her lips, before those lips were crushed in a foul kiss. Lori wasn't sure how everything happened. The last thing she remembered was her attacker, after backhanding her hard, had thrown her to the ground and straddled her, starting to pull rip at her pants. With the taste of her own blood in her mouth, Lori stopped fighting, her head falling to the side, and there, just a few feet away, was a small clump of broken brick. The next thing she knew, her attacker was holding his head, and slumped forward, falling limp onto her body. Lori didn't know what happened, but she pushed him off, and struggled to her feet and quickly ran home. She never told anyone what happened that night, simply telling her mom she got into a fight when asked about the bruises.
Over the next few weeks, the young girl began finding out that she had, certain powers. Being able to move things with her mind, and every so often, catching flashes of the past when she touched someone or something. Finding that she was different from most people, she only let her two best friends, Nikki and Alex know what was going on, and later, Silent her employer at the Midnight Hookah where she was able to get a part time job to help earn money for college. Then one day out of the Hookah closed, with Silent disappearing. Her telemetry she found, had a price as well. While she could occasionally see flashes of the past when she touched people or objects, the visions almost always were of pain, fear, and horror. Shortly after Silent disappeared, Lorissa herself was kidnapped by a psychotic vampire that took innate pleasre in trying to drive the little goth girl as insane as he was. For months it seemed she was tortured but she never gave in and somehow, she found herself rescued. It wasn't long before the young girl started wearing gloves and took to drinking to keep the nightmare visions at bay. When she graduated highschool, she was almost a different person, however she found one thing to be happy about, she had been accepted to a college.
She packed everything she owned, and within three months found herself a small apartment which she was able to afford as long as she kept a decent part time job which she found at a local bar. She started taking self defense classes in a way to try and t least of some protection for herself if caught up close. College she found wasn't all it was cracked up to be, taking a few classes here and there but she wasn't sure what she wanted to be. She hadn't chosen a major, and quite frankly, she had more fun going to clubs, drinking and doing the occasional illegal substance to quiet the memories that aways haunted her, then she did going to class.
Then, one day almost from out of nowhere, the little goth girl received a call from her old employer, Silent, telling her that she was alive and well, in Hawaii, and wanted the little pixie to join her in the Island Paradise. Lorissa quickly packed all her belongings again, selling whatever she didn't need. She put in a transfer at her college, but was told most likely she'd have to wait until next year to continue her education. She didn't care, the young girl left her home and all she knew boarding a plane for the islands in search of her friend and the happy life she once had while working at the Midnight Hookah.
Paradise for Lorissa was a fascinating place full of wonder. However like most things in the young girl's life, the happiness she found wasn't one that lasted. Briefly she'd found a home with the local horde of tiger's and two friends that she could find comfort and confide in, Ace and Mayra. Other friends she'd found included a snake, Jack, a fox, Julian, and a few others but it didn't last. Julian was the first to go, and his death hit the tiny pixie hard. During it all she got word that her father had died as well, getting into a car accident back in the states leaving behind a step-son that had no one to look after him other than Lori herself.
Reggie Price was a real piece of work and soon the bruises and cuts from his abuse couldn't be hidden from her close friends no matter how hard the tiny goth girl tried. Of course not all could be blamed on the boy, he was going through his own trials, and being left in the care of a complete stranger couldn't have been easy, but as time went on the fights grew worse until she left the boy mostly to his own devices, only stopping by to make sure he was alive, well and had enough food and money to get by. Unfortunately, like most, Reggie disappeared not long after being on the islands.
It was through trying to find her missing step-brother that Lorissa met someone else that would that would also disappear from her life, Jessie. Although she'd never thought to befriend a vampire before in her life, had in fact up to that point stayed as far away from the undead as she could possibly get, this immortal had been different. Well, at least he hadn't tried to eat her. From the time she'd spent with him, he had been nothing but charming. Of course, it didn't last long before he was gone, as well as almost everyone she cared for as her home was reclaimed by the sea, and the girl found she was on her own again, searching for a new place to call home.
Lorissa travelled from one place to the next until she happened to take a vacation in Europe. It was in Rome that the little goth girl found something to do with her life. It started as a chance meeting at a bistro where she met the strangest of siblings, Caine and Aurora. At that meeting the beautiful Aurora asked Lori to model for her, and seeing no reason why she shouldn't, the small star was born. Lorissa's career as a fashion model took flight soon after. It wasn't long before her face was on magazines covers to perfume, clothing or make-up adds, and she was travellng constantly to photoshoots all over the world. After two years of non-stop work Lori felt she was so busy that she was missing some aspect of her life and finally decied it was time to take a break. She purchased a loft in N.Y. a perfect place for a model to continue her career and still have a chance for a semi-normal life.
The semi-normal life worked, for a while. Lori even saw a therapist for a short time while in New York. Her career took flight and she had to get an agent, Manny. Manny set her up with more work than she could have dreamed possible, even getting her a gig on a local cop/drama television show for a two episode part. Why was it people saw her as the victim? She met and made friends with a pyro, Flash, one of the first men that the petite pixie actually trusted in a long time. For a while there, the nightmares got better, and she even stopped drinking taking other illicit substances as much. But as typical for her life, the man disappeared after a while, without a word or a trace.
The dreams started to get worse after that, until she took to heavy self medication. Alcohol and other drugs being the usual medication of choice. Life was a strange rollercoaster until she ran back into the last person she expected. None other than the swamp queen herself, Silent. For a couple of months the two hung out, talking of old times, and recent beginnings, until the wolf decided she was going to New Orleans.Having never even thought of going back to that place, it was a curious thing when Silent asked the little pixie to come with. Curiouser indeed was her answer. As long as Silent was there, she would go, but only if they could live together. To much bad history there would allow her to live on her own. Amazingly enough, her friend agreed, and for the past six months they've been living together, with Silent's daughter Nyx in a 3 bedroom loft above the new Hookah Lounge, where Lori has been working as a General Manager as well as keeping up with her modeling.