A B I L I T E S : (Please list from highest to lowest Abilities for Vampire, Lycanthropes and Paranormals. Please use as many spaces as you need and delete what you didn't use)
* Ability : If he touches his thumb to pointer finger tip to tip (OK sign)activates power in the opposite hand.
* Ability : *Left Hand* Glows a silver light. When touched to something hurt, damged or broken uses characters energy to repair the damage. Effective up to 5 min's with fatigue following after power is released.
* Ability : *Right Hand* Glowes a dark rust color. When touched to any object or person will start to decay, rot or corrode and will transfer the energy back to me larger the object and longer touched more eneregy. Can enhance Strength, Speed & Enhanced healing (only with no movement). Longer touching area larger corruption spreads from center of the palm. Effective up to 5 min's and once energy is used fatigue sets in.
* Ability : *Both activated at same time* Over loaded knocked out for a hour.
W E A P O N S C A R R I E D : Pocket knife
W E A P O N S O W N E D :Sig p250 pistol (Serial numbers filled off)
A C C E S S O R I E S : Watch, Sunglasses
H O M E : At the moment Cheap motel will be hunting for room to rent.
O C C U P A T I O N :Unemployeed at the moment will be hunting for flower shop to work in.
E X T R A D E T A I L S : Taylor is scared that he might hurt people around him, he doen't like to be touched and expecally doesn't like to shake hands.
B I R T H P L A C E : Chattanooga, TN
F A M I L Y: Jake & Paula died in a car accident no siblings
H I S T O R Y : Taylor's younger years were a happy time with his parents, he was raised in a middle income family with very little going without. His life begain to change during a football game senior year when his powers first activated, it ended in a hospital visit. That night I found I could heal to with a touch of the other hand. Looking back I seem so optimistic about my powers. It wasn't till my third year of college that I truly saw what I was. It hurts getting mugged anyone telling you it isn't is full of it. In a attempt to protect myself I grabbed a kids ankle as he kicked at my head. He ran off fine but I heard later they had to remove his foot. That's when I started to push away from people close to me it was for their safety. I had some dark times after that and needed a new life so with the shirt on my back and an old gym bag I started hitching. After three different rides I ended up on the out skirts of New Orleans, well hell if a guy needed to start over this would be the right place.
A L I A S : Rich
P L A Y B Y : Jesse Eisenberg (Zombieland, Social Network)
C H A R A C T E R S I T E :
-- Edited by TAYLOR ADAMS on Wednesday 17th of August 2011 11:13:36 PM