D I S T G U I S H I N G F E A T U R E S :Titus is built of lean, fighting muscle. Because of his position in the Marshal's he has to remain as physically fit as possible. He has major scarring on his left shoulder from an altercation in Afghanistan. Since his time as a Marshal has developed numerous scars around his body.
F L A V O R : Paranormal / Animator
S K I L L S : * Skill : Tracking * Skill : Survival Training * Skill : Exotic and heavy weapons training * Skill : Demolitions / Disposal * Skill : Cooking * Skill : Fishing * Skill : Martial Arts (Karate) * Skill : Preternatural and Supernatural execution training * Skill : Military training * Skill : Special Operations training
A B I L I T E S :
* Ability : Animating- Through a practiced ritual, Titus can raise the dead from a grave as early as three days after the person died and as late as 75 years after the date of death. He could go back farther but has refrained from doing so.
* Ability : Open Lock- The magic running through him can allow him to open locks. Through a focused charge of magic can open simple mechanical locks such as key locks, dead bolts, and 3 point combination locks.
* Ability :Hexus- The magic running through him can allow him to disrupt electrical signals. Through a focused charge of magic, Titus can interrupt electrical signals and advanced electronics (i.e. internet, cell phones, televisions)
W E A P O N S C A R R I E D : Para Ordnance P-12 w/ Silver and Iron rounds (concealed on person) Cold Steel Vaquero w. Silver fused blade (concealed on person) Cold Steel Karambit w/ Silver fused blade (concealed on person)
W E A P O N S O W N E D : Single Shot M-4 with picatinny rail and holographic sighting (in vehicle) Supressed bolt action 12 gauge sawed-off shotgun (in vehicle, has permit to only use during legal executions) Pair of Colt 1911 .45’s with extended magazines, combat triggers, combat slide catch and safety, and compensators (at home) Mossberg 510 shotgun
A C C E S S O R I E S : Military dog tags with a titanium cross on the same chain. CCDW permit. Marshal’s identification with silver badge.
H O M E : Leases a three bedroom home in Mandeville, LA.He has an acre of land on each side of him, just in case the work comes home.
O C C U P A T I O N : Federal Marshal / Legal Executioner / Animator
E X T R A D E T A I L S : Owns a 2008 Dodge Charger RT
B I R T H P L A C E : Franklin KY
F A M I L Y: Mother and older brother in Kentucky
H I S T O R Y : Titus was raised in the back woods of Kentucky and Tennessee. Here he learned the majority of his survival and tracking skills. He was raised with both parents and his mother is still alive today in Franklin, KY. At the age of 17 he developed the powers to raise the dead. At first it was a few small animals, but after a time towards his graduation, he inadvertently raised a recently dead corpse at the hospital. It was easily destroyed but at this point he knew he had to have his powers reined in. With the help of his family, he searched around until finally finding a hoodoo man in the hills of Kentucky to help him in a ritual and honing his skills of animating the dead, He also learnedminor parlor tricks to bleed off some of his power should he lapse in animating.
He entered the military at the age of 18 under the GI Bill but ended up staying in under their own education program. At the age of 20 he applied for Army Ranger training in the field of paranormal activities and operation. He was admitted and trained as an Army Ranger and entered into a Special Operations program designated Quiet Night. During the Afghan and Iraqi war, he continued doing Ranger missions while secretly working in Quiet Night. Quiet Night was a program designed to use American born soldiers with paranormal abilities to gather intelligence on enemy maneuvers and strong holds. With his necromantic skills, he could revive dead soldiers and question them humanely while still holding to the standards of interrogation procedures under the revised Geneva Convention. He was in this program until 2005. Much of his file regarding Quiet Night is redacted.
He entered the Marshal Service to use his talents to extradite and execute paranormal or supernatural criminals. Moving from town to town he interacted with multiple paranormal and supernatural creatures mostly fraternizing with werewolves. Due to many friendships and love affairs with the breed of lycanthrope, he gained intimate knowledge of how they are grouped and some customs. He has yet to inform anyone, outside of the werewolves themselves, that he knows any of this information. Because of a love for creating and general desire to educate law enforcement, he helped to create and design supernatural based less-than-lethal weapons. He also began to move to different cities with heavy populations of preternaturals and helped to design and build a task force to aid in apprehension of criminals, while still working for the Marshal Service.
A L I A S : Pickle!
P L A Y B Y : Tom Jane
-- Edited by TITUS on Monday 15th of August 2011 02:42:02 PM