S K I L L S : (Skills in Human form Please use as many spaces as you need and delete what you didn't use)
* Skill : Cooking * Skill : Stained glass * Skill : Blown Glass * Skill : Metal Work * Skill : Sketching and drawing * Skill : a little mechanics
A B I L I T E S : (Please list from highest to lowest Abilities for Vampire, Lycanthropes and Paranormals. Please use as many spaces as you need and delete what you didn't use)
* Ability : Improved Strength * Ability : Improved speed * Ability : Improved senses * Ability : Touch of the Beast * Ability : Improved Resilience * Ability : Regeneration * Ability : Lifting the Veil * Ability : Vulnerability * Ability : Hiding * Ability : Silent Paws * Ability : Control w/ Sex * Ability : Control w/ Blood * Ability : Comforting Touch * Ability : no shift Coma * Ability :Shields
A C C E S S O R I E S : sketch book. Ipod, Iphone, macbook pro, pencils, car keys
H O M E : Currently lives at Jenna's house, and has an appartment above her shop
O C C U P A T I O N : Blown glass and stained glass artist
E X T R A D E T A I L S : Jeep
B I R T H P L A C E : Brooklyn, New York
F A M I L Y: River Westland (Mother, deseased), Eldric Westland (Father, deseased)
H I S T O R Y :
Avery was born in Brooklyn. Growing up in a pure blooded bleu tiger family, it wasn’t any wonder, she was hidden away from most of the world. Her parents sort of fanatics about pure blood. Going so far as to order her to sleep with her own father, so as to produce another pure blue kitten. She'd run away from home when she was 17. Needing to get away. Knowing if she didn't, she'd eventually go crazy. That one of these days, her father would go to far, and no wouldn’t be enough. So she'd run. She'd run as far and as fast as she could. Managing some how to make it out of the country, she wandered europe for awhile. It was when she finally came to rest in Madrid, that her life started to change. On her own in Madrid for a few weeks after that, she finally found her purpose and her salvation. Anthony Vito became the center of her life. He had become her Kahn. The only tiger in Madrid that knew who and what she really was. Takeing on a new name, she became Montanna Edwards. Passing herself off as a survivor of an attack. Never letting anyone but Vito close to her, and never shifting where anyone else could see her.
Takeing her in. Giving her a place to live...beginning to teach her...and eventually..stealing her heart as well. She belonged to him in every way. Eventually...Things turned sour as they have a tendency to do. She'd thought he was cheating on her, when he was only giving a greeting to his dominant sister. Something he'd neglected to inform her about, and having grown up with parents thatw ere so far from the tiger norm, she didn’t know any better. SO she'd run. She'd run back to London. Hoping against hope that he wouldn't follow..and at the same time...that he would. That'd he come save her. It was in London that Avery experianced her first Clan. her first grouping of tigers. And what an experience it was. Things soon falling appart. The woman she came to trust and love as an older sister, up and disapearing on her.
Jenna had become not only sister, but mother substitute to Avery, and she was once more abandoned by her. Others slowly drifted away. and eventually, Vito and Tanna (He'd joined her in London) had gone back to Madrid. IT was there how ever, that Vito had been offered a job in the states. Something that would keep the two occupied for awhile.
Keep her safe, while he did buisness. So he'd gotten her settled in LA.Gotten her set up in a spacious house. More room then they needed. Even with the two of them together. And gotten affairs squared away. He'd left her more then enough money to keep her set for the next 20 years. And then some. He'd be back, he promised her.. She was just to wait there, and stay out of trouble as much as she could...but eventually...he stopped checking in every day...and then.....communication stopped all together.
Where had her Vito gone? Avery was now stuck in the city where shedidn’t know anyone....alone....and not knowing what to do...or where Vito had gone....some how...it didn't look too good for her.
Meeting up once more with Jenna in LA, Avery felt that maybe things would turn out for the best. With still no word from Vito, the little tiger had begun to give up hope that he was ever comming back. And Soon...even things in LA seemed to once more fall appart. Her father had started to search for her, hearing that she was back in the city some how. And Jenna becomming more involved with other things, Avery was once again left to her own devices, and it was time to get the hell out of Dodge. Things were packed. Her stock carefully packaged and placed in her truck. Where would her journy take her? Only time would tell. Soon finding her way to Louisiana, and to New Orleans, the news of her parents death found her finally, and she finally felt able to go back to being Avery instead of Montanna.
So what would find the Little blue once she settled in the Big Easy? Only time would tell.