A B I L I T E S : (Please list from highest to lowest Abilities for Vampire, Lycanthropes and Paranormals. Please use as many spaces as you need and delete what you didn't use)
* Ability :Improved Strength * Ability :Improved speed * Ability : Improved senses * Ability : Touch of the Beast * Ability : Improved Resilience * Ability : Regeneration * Ability : Lifting the Veil * Ability : Shields * Ability : Control w/ sex * Ability : Control w/blood * Ability : Comforting touch * Ability : No shift coma * Ability : Munin
W E A P O N S C A R R I E D :pocket knife, 6 inch high silver content switch blade
W E A P O N S O W N E D : 9mm Firestar x2, throwing knives, skinning knives, hunting knives.
A C C E S S O R I E S : beat up old Chevy pick up, ipod, iphone, sunglasses, cigarettes, lighter, Helix, misc.
H O M E : House that she and Xavier bought years ago when they first moved to new Orleans. Living currently with Ash, Llydia, Laney, Zack, and Cypress.
O C C U P A T I O N : Mechanic
B I R T H P L A C E : Amarillo Texas
F A M I L Y: Becca Lyn Addison (Mother, deseased), Xander Sinclair (Father), Xavier Sinclair (brother, deseased)
H I S T O R Y : Alex was born in a shit holetown outside of Amarillo Texas. Her father unknown. Youngest of two siblings, Alex and Xavier were together damn near every wakeing moment. He taught her all he knew, and all the things that made his warped little brain tick. Fucking with his sister's mind as well. And makeing sure she was as fucked in the head as he was. About the time that Alex was 16, their mother died, leaving her and Xavier along, with him as her gaurdian. It was when they were on their way home one night, takeing a short cut through teh woods that backed up on their house, that it happend. From the shadows, something attacked, sending Alex flying to hit a tree, and ripping into her the next minute, her screams filling the air. As she lay battered and bleeding, pain radiating through her, she could hear the screams of her sibling as the monster attacked him. What happend next would always be a mystery to her, because when she came too, Xavier was gone, and she was amess. She managed to get medical attention and it wasn't untill later in the month, at the time of the full moon she realized the extent of what had happend. And that she was now a werewolf.
Alex, thinking her brother was dead and gone, having been eaten by the wolf that attacked them, left and made her way to New Orleans. It was there that she met up with her first pack. Learning the do's and don'ts (and not always in the best way) and makeing friends, as well as enemy's along the way. It was also there, that she realized that Xavier had suffered the same fate as herself, and brother and sister were reunited again.
When things started to go south however, the siblings decided it was time to leave New Orleans, and headed west for Nevada. Settling for a time in Las Vegas, and soon hooking up with a female wolf they accepted as their alpha and soon Ulfric. Following Bailey to New Mexico, the two became her Skoll and Hati, protecting her when need be. It was there though, that the pack was targeted by a group of vampires, being led by a pyro, for reasons that are still unknown to Alex, and during a large fight between the groups, Alex watched as Xavier was stabbed through with a sword. Thinking once again her brother was dead, she fled santa Fe with what was left of the pack. Leaving Bailey to her own devices, alex got as far away from her as possible. Having watched her brother killed (again) seemed to unhinge an already fragile mind, and sent the she wolf spiraling down into a psychotic break that would leave behind numerous bodies in a number of states as she made her way this way and that across the country.
It wasn't untill she ended up in Hawaii though, that she found any peace at all. Wounded, and having wandered onto pack land by accident, she was taken in by two of the pack and let to pass out in the living room. Only to be found by the ulfric and his lupa the next morning. The lupa who happend to be none other then a wolf she had met in New Orleans, Silent, who Alex had always figured hated her.
Things seemed to be looking up for her, Untill the day that Xavier showed up once again. Once again not dead, Alex almost lost it. Not really wanting anything to do with her sibling, that now in her mind had abandoned her twice. It was because of Xavier, and his proximity to her in Hawaii, that the little wolf finally left, heading back to the mainland, and set about wandering the country again. Numerous times, wanting to go back, and find the pack she'd left so hastily. Though the one time she actually did head in that direction, was when she heard that the island she had once called home had been reclaimed by the sea. Thinking that all of those she had come to love were now gone, not knowing if they managed to get off the island before it was destroyed or not, She continued to wander.
Comming to rest in New York, the fast pace of the city seemed to suit the little wolf. It was time to settle..time to start over....and maybe restart on the path that had lead her to peace in the first place. Finding Ash there, things seemed to start going in the right direction, only something threw a wrench in the works, and Alex once more lost her way. Hooking up with Ash again down the coast, the two also joined up with another wolf, a young one still learning her way, Laney, as well as a leopard they had known before, Jessica. What brought the quartet back to NewOrleans, they are all still trying to figure out. But now that they are here, interesting things are starting to happen. Only time will tell where it all leads.