D I S T G U I S H I N G F E A T U R E S : Twin scythes is carved in the middle of his back.
F L A V O R : N/A
D E S C R I P T I O N : Dragon Bloodline
S K I L L S : (Skills in Human form Please use as many spaces as you need and delete what you didn't use)
* Skill : Degree in Cosmetology * Skill : Degree in Philosophy * Skill : Speaks French, German, English * Skill : Can play piano and violin * Skill : Pro at volleyball * Skill : Fencing, swordsmanship * Skill : Trained in the ways of the Samurai * Skill : Equestrian, horse back riding * Skill : Swimming and boating
* Skill : High Charismatic skills(lying, bluffing)
A B I L I T E S : (Please list from highest to lowest Abilities for Vampire, Lycanthropes and Paranormals. Please use as many spaces as you need and delete what you didn't use)
* Ability : Improved Strength and Speed * Ability : Improved Senses * Ability : Heightened Endurance and Resistance * Ability : Mesmerize with Eyes
* Ability : Mind-Rolling
* Ability : Creature Sense * Ability : Masking * Ability : Mind Wash * Ability : Mind Link
W E A P O N S C A R R I E D : A Rapier
W E A P O N S O W N E D : Katana
A C C E S S O R I E S : Brown wallet, ID, cellphone, fedora
H O M E : Resides in a beautiful colonel home, surrounded by a wrought iron gate, on the top are two stoned gargoyles. A cobblestone driveway leads to a tall, large white mansion. It is in the French Quarter.
O C C U P A T I O N : Owns a Cosmetology Studio in London. Runs the Sickle Salve Theater
E X T R A D E T A I L S : Joseph was born in a noble bloodline. He is currently the Baron of France as he is of a higher class but keeps this a secret only that his family and his Maker knows. He also doesn't have too much of a close relationship with half of his relatives except his mother and younger brother. He is the middle child in a family of five. Three sisters and a brother named Benjamin Bodine. He left his family and lived in Munich, Germany at the age of sixteen, he ran away from home so he was presumed dead to them or missing.