D I S T G U I S H I N G F E A T U R E S : Tattoos of Serpents coiling around his biceps, Tattoo of a Dragon taking flight on his chest
F L A V O R : Lightning/Fire Elemental
S K I L L S : (Skills in Human form Please use as many spaces as you need and delete what you didn't use)
* Skill : Guitar * Skill : Police Academy Training * Skill : Gun Training * Skill : Martial Arts - Kung Fu * Skill : Martial Arts - Karate * Skill : Mediocre Cooking Skill
A B I L I T E S : (Please list from highest to lowest Abilities for Vampire, Lycanthropes and Paranormals. Please use as many spaces as you need and delete what you didn't use)
* Ability : Physical Current -Jett synchronizes an electrical current to his nervous system, which pumps his body with the power of electrical energy. This results in any physical action he takes to deliver a shock of electrical power with it. The amount of concentration put into this adds to the degree of the charge put forth in his activity. * Ability : Conductive Aura - Jett emits electrical energy barrier, to shock anything that tries to harm him. * Ability : Elemental Inception - Jett can instill in the air, the change of temperature and other meterological effects to bring lightning into existence and send it's resulting bolt to strike what he wishes. * Ability : Lightning Cutter - Jett watches too much anime, and from seeing this move done in the show, attempts to duplicate it. He surrounds his forearms with electric currents till they form the semblence of a blade around his forearms. When anger abounds, Jinnzou takes over Jett, and uses fire spells rather than Electric * Ability : Fire Ball * Ability : Breath of Flame * Ability : Wreath of Flames - A ring of fire is created around his enemies' feet. While the foe is not immobilized, if he moves over the ring, a funnel of flames will erupt from its center. * Ability : Fiery Countenance - Heat lives within his being, and can be expelled in the form of flames from every pore of his flesh to scorch any attackers.
W E A P O N S C A R R I E D : Smith & Wesson M&P Compact 9mm with Silver clip rounds, a few spare clips carried on police uniform belt.
W E A P O N S O W N E D : Spare S&W M&P Compact 9mm, with non-silver ammo clips at home.
A C C E S S O R I E S : NOPD uniform complete with gun, ammo, and billy club.
H O M E : Apartment in French Quarter
O C C U P A T I O N : New Orleans Police Officer
E X T R A D E T A I L S :
B I R T H P L A C E : Surrey, England
F A M I L Y: All Deceased as far as he knows.
H I S T O R Y :
Jett was born in Surrey, England, to a family of magi. When he was very young, his family moved to New Orleans, so that his father could follow a job oportunity there. However, from an early age, Jett was mistreated, for his mother died in child-birth, and his father, along with his three older brothers, blamed him for such. His only companion and aide in his younger years was his one older sister, who was equally mistreated for not adapting well enough to her special abilities.
Jett was too young to discover his abilities at that age, and as he grew up rebuked his father and brothers for mistreating him and his sister for something they had no control of. This merely led to further abuse, more often than not to a physical degree. This quieted Jett's rebuke, and often led to him hiding in his own home so that he would not be blamed for anything further. Anger still built up in him, but he would repress the anger, and not show it, merely taking the beatings he could not avoid. His sister's own beatings became more and more violent, as she'd return to her room, shared with Jett, bloody and clothes in tatters.
One day, Jett walked in on one of these beatings, so severe that his sister's clothing was torn off completly, and her body riddled with lash marks on her back, chest, and stomach. Jett forsook all his constraint in the years passed, and begged for them to stop, only for the whipping to be directed at him next. In the midst of the whipping, Jett heard another person in the room. The voice spoke of how weak Jett was, and that he needed protection. The voice said he would do so for him. The voice was in Jett's head, and what he would not realize at first was that he himself got up in the midst of being whipped, and let out a breath of flame that baked his father and brothers on the spot. Rings of fire formed on the ground, and though they moved to press on with the punishment, pillars of flame erupted from the rings, incinerating all four in mere seconds. When all quieted, there was nothing left to his father and brothers except ash.
Jett's sister raised him till he was in his teens, then mysteriously vanished. Jett searched for her for years, and eventually stopped thinking that in some other moment of repressed fury, he may have killed her as well. He went on and tried to live his life in peace, and sought any means to find a control for his power and anger, so that he would not accidentally hurt someone again. However, the control to his anger is something much more simplistic, and yet at the same time complex, as to be controlled through magical focus and study.
Jett's efforts to live a normal life has landed him in many jobs that he merely lost soon after. His most recent attempt at a normal life, and a means to support himself, has been to enter the police force. He has recently finished training at the academy, and is now a normal beat cop on the streets of New Orleans.