D I S T G U I S H I N G F E A T U R E S : Tattoos along arms and chest which seem to move and change, Nipple piercings
F L A V O R : N/A
D E S C R I P T I O N : N/A
S K I L L S : (Skills in Human form Please use as many spaces as you need and delete what you didn't use)
* Skill :Acrobatics
* Skill :Freerunning
* Skill :Sewing
* Skill :Cooking (bachelor style)
* Skill :Carving
* Skill :Engraving
* Skill :Swashbuckling
* Skill :Moderately skilled at computers
* Skill :English (American and Queen's)
* Skill :Gaelic
* Skill :Cambodian
A B I L I T E S :
* Ability :Burrow - Travel through the ground at half walking speed.It takes 1 full day of burrowing to travel 5 miles.It must be sedimentary. Steven cannot burrow through solid metal or rock. Requires an opal the size of a grape per 100 feet.Exertion:Character must take several breaks, and after a full day of burrowing, must rest for at least 6 hours before attempting again.
* Ability :Stoneshape - The power to mold stone at will. A 30 carat Nuumite can mold 50 square pounds volume of stone.Exertion : Little to no effort.The stone is pliable to Steven as clay might be to others.
* Ability :Hail of Stone – Beads of Ammolite turn into rock fragments the size of dimes which fly from his fingertips.Exertion :This power drains a small bit of energy from Steven.He can use it consecutively, but if sustained for over 5 volleys, he is hit with nausea.
* Ability :Earth Reave - A 17 carat Topaz is used to create a 10 foot wide rift in rock or earth.Exertion : Using this power makes Steven feel as if he had just spent a small workout at the gym.His limbs are weakened, and he cannot perform this more than twice in any given day.
* Ability :Earthfast - The ability to close up 1 square meter of earthen tunnel or cave with a 8 carat sapphire.Exertion : This drains Steven as if he had just physically filled in a 6ft x 6ft x 4ft hole with a shovel.
* Ability :Stoneskin - Flesh becomes hard as rock. Flesh changed equals 1 square foot per 40 carat Fluorite. Lasts for 17 minutes, and can be ended earlier with bludgeoning damage.Exertion : Steven can only move at a slow pace during this, due to the increased weight.He will feel bruised from any damage the skin takes, but if it prevails, he is not seriously injured.
* Ability :Terra Cotta Warrior – A 20 carat agate can 5 bring statues to life to defend property.A fifty pound Agate geode can bring 50 statues to life.Exertion : This power leaves Steven faint for 10 minutes.
* Ability :Flesh to Stone - A 35 carat Bloodstone per five kilograms changes flesh to specified type of stone. A 200 carat Bloodstone can petrify a person completely, no matter their mass.Exertion :Steven gets a migraine from using this power.
* Ability :Stone to Flesh - A 100 carat Hematite can return one petrified person to normal.Exertion :Steven has the feeling of massive blood loss for 30 seconds after this power.
* Ability :Statue - With a 30 carat Moonstone, Steven can take the form of a statue of any stone type specified, giving him the ability to heal at 1.5x his normal rate. Exertion :None.
* Ability :Soften Earth and Stone - With a 20 carat Sodalite, wet earth becomes thick mud, dry earth becomes loose sand or dirt, and stone becomes soft clay that is easily molded or chopped. Affects an area of 30 ft radius.Exertion :Leaves Steven lethargic for 1 minute.
W E A P O N S C A R R I E D : Small stones
W E A P O N S O W N E D : Hollow quarterstaff filled with dirt, various jewel-encrusted melee weapons
A C C E S S O R I E S : Suits, hats, ties, Chuck Taylor All-Star hi-tops, stone ring, plenty of “green” tshirts, raggedy jeans, Blackberry Storm, Necklace made of various gems.
H O M E : As of now, he has a large house in the Garden District of New Orleans, LA. It is three stories, like an old plantation house. It is full of statues, and gem studded items. However, he also owns a home in Brick, NJ where he lived prior to moving down to New Orleans. However, the house is a decoy.Along a path in the woods, there is an abandoned fire truck (the ones used for forest fires).If you open the hood, it has no engine, but is on the top of a staircase leading into the earth.Below is an intricate series of tunnels that lead to dead ends and deadfalls, but ultimately open into a network of rooms.These rooms were filled with statues, carvings, and other artifact treasures.The rooms are powered, and there are many of the comforts most homes would have, including a fireplace.
O C C U P A T I O N : Jeweler, retired jewel-thief
E X T R A D E T A I L S : Anything that drive or whatever.
B I R T H P L A C E : Cardiff, Wales
F A M I L Y: Syrrie Lloyd: Mother, Deceased.Kevin Floyd: father, Deceased.Balthazar Lloyd: Uncle, Guardian
H I S T O R Y : Raised by his Uncle from infancy, Steven lacked for nothing.His Uncle is an Oceanographer and an Antiques Dealer.At age 6 Uncle Balthazar caught Steven building a sandcastle with no implements, in the rain.Afterwards, Steven had a horrible nosebleed, and complained of a headache.This sparked a new relationship between Steven and his Uncle.Being able to control elements himself, Uncle Balthazar sent Steven to a Tibetan monastery at age 7.There, he met a young girl 2 years older that was there for training.Her name was Llid.They became good friends.During his 3 years at the monastery, he was trained to hone his skills.The monks were not afraid of his abilities, and encouraged him to explore all possible avenues.After a year of being there, however, his friend had to leave.They stayed in communication for a few years.He had wanted to tell her about the ability he had, but the monks advised against it.They said that people would fear him for his skills.When he left the monastery, he returned to his Uncle for a time, claimed his inheritance, and set off to make his way in the world.He found that his own money didn’t last long if he had no way to replenish it.It was not long before he turned to a life of crime to survive. Soon, he was one of the world’s best jewel thieves, using his powers over the earth to accumulate wealth.As the pressure grew on his career, he decided to retire, and moved to Manhattan, New York.He became a jeweler, using his knowledge of jewels, and everything his Uncle taught him to supplement his income.He found he could create diamonds using his skills, and kilns.The heat and pressure he exacts on the ores form almost perfect jewels.
A L I A S : Justin
P L A Y B Y : Gavin Rossdale
C H A R A C T E R S I T E : http://www.bebo.com/steventerrafor
-- Edited by STEVEN TERRAFOR on Thursday 11th of August 2011 07:53:45 AM