D I S T G U I S H I N G F E A T U R E S : Faint round scars on left forearm, tribal tatoo on right hip.
F L A V O R : Werefox
D E S C R I P T I O N : Red fox with black markings on legs and tail, yellow eyes.
S K I L L S :
* Skill : Self defense * Skill : Street fighting * Skill : Knife fighting * Skill : Horseback riding * Skill : Bartending * Skill : First aid * Skill : Hati of the Crimson Snow Pack for about a year
A B I L I T E S :
* Ability : Shields * Ability : Commune with the Beast * Ability : Control with Sex * Ability : Improved Strength * Ability : Improved Speed * Ability : Improved Senses * Ability : Improved Resilience * Ability : Lifting the Veil * Ability : Regeneration * Ability : Silent Paws * Ability : Hiding * Ability : Control with Blood * Ability : Swift Shift * Ability : Lies Revealed * Ability : Partial Shift * Ability : Command Attention * Ability : Touch of the Beast * Ability : Physical Wit
W E A P O N S C A R R I E D : Knife in ankle sheath
W E A P O N S O W N E D : Set of three throwing knives, two Gil Hibben Claw II, Cold Steel Tiger Karambit Knife, Fox Hunter Knife (high silver content), Custom Faux Bone Wolf Bowie Knife
A C C E S S O R I E S : Wallet [ID, Credit Card, Cash (usually $75 max), business cards], keys [house and car], pentagram necklace [pewter], '69 Corvette [dark red], laptop, recipe notebook [drink mixes for bartending].
H O M E : Apartment in Brooklyn, NY, houseboat in New Orleans, LA (house-sitting)
O C C U P A T I O N : Bartender; part-time waitress; house-sitter.
E X T R A D E T A I L S : '69 Chevy Corvette [dark red]
B I R T H P L A C E : London, England
F A M I L Y: Matthew Trent (father; deceased), Natalie Trent (mother; deceased), Derek Trent (brother; executed), Guinivere "Ginny" Ashford (niece)
H I S T O R Y : Matthew and Natalie Trent had been married for seven years, living happily in their London townhouse with their son, Derek. It came as a surprise to all of them when Natalie was found to be pregnant again. Derek, though in school, did extra chores for his mother so that she would not tire herself. The doctors, concerned, urged Natalie to rest until the baby was born. Of course, Natalie refused to listen, claiming that she would be just fine.
On October thirty-first, while a storm raged outside the hospital Natalie was in labor. After nine hours of labour, the child was finally brought into the world. They named her Raivyn Alexia Trent, in honor of both her grandmothers.
Natalie stopped working in order to care for the girl Lexi, as she came to be called. Derek doted on his sister, seven years his junior, and helped to teach her to talk and read. Lexi grew quickly, learning things faster than other children her age. Her greatest joy came in their annual trips to the country where they kept horses.
At the age of twelve, Lexi was given her own horse, a mare she named Cloud. She spent many afternoons of their vacation riding Cloud in the woods and soon became quite the accomplished rider. Every year, however, she would have to say goodbye to the beloved mare and return to their townhouse to continue with her schooling.
Derek, with no ideas of going to college, got a job and met a group of boys his own age that were rumored to be in a gang of some sort. Of course, Matthew and Natalie did not approve of these new friends, but were too polite to turn the boys out when they came home with Derek after work. Lexi, of course, was hitting puberty and enjoyed the attention she got from the boys, though she acted more like a tomboy. They taught her to defend herself, for they were all much bigger than her at the time and would often see who could get the drop on her.
As it turned out, the boys were a gang of sorts. Or, more accurately, a group of lycanthropes. Werefoxes. Derek, being as different from their parents as could be decided he wanted to be infected. Lexi kept in constant contact with Derek's sponsor to keep tabs on how he was doing. Derek and his friends met them a year later in the country on their annual vacation to find that his little sister had grown up and filled out. Those were not the only changes, for when the boys teased her, she teased back in a more adult fashion.
Unfortunately, the full moon came while they were in the country. The shifters made the horses uneasy, so the boys kept to the house. Not necessarily a good thing, for they hadn't been paying attention to the moon. Lexi woke to hear the sound of foxes gekkering - a stuttering, throaty noise - near her bedroom. She did not stop to think and so rushed into the hall to find her father bloody and unmoving on the floor. Shock numbed her enough that she could still think and react, checking his pulse to find it there, but weak. A check in the master bedroom found that her mother was in similar shape, though she seemed to be worse off than her father.
After calling for an ambulance to be brought, Lexi ran to check on the horses. What she found there were the foxes nipping at Cloud's legs. With anger rising to the surface, she grabbed the nearest implement to use as a weapon, a pitchfork and ran at them, intending to drive them off. She could not tell one from another, but was sure she scored a hit on at least two of them. A third, she was in the process of chasing toward the woods when she was hit from behind.
Pain seared through her back and thighs, something heavy knocking her to the ground. The pitchfork's prongs lodged in her arm causing the pain to escalate and lead her into blessed oblivion. She woke two weeks later in the hospital. The doctors informed her that her parents were dead and that the authorities were hunting the people responsible. She thought that would be the worst of the news she'd recieve, but the doctor went on to tell her that they had detected the lycanthropy disease in her blood.
When they started talking about sending her to a special facility, she left. There was no waiting for the doctor to release her, she simply left. There was plenty of money in her savings account since both her grandparents and parents were now dead, leaving her with a substantial inheritance. The first order of business was the house, both the one in the country and the townhouse. She collected what she wanted from the houses she'd grown up in before looking for a buyer. During the months after her infection, before they were sold, she would go out to the woods for the week of the full moon, far from any humans to shift.
It took a year before she found buyers, in which time she had learned some control over the beast she carried. Six months later, the foxes were caught and executed. After all arrangements had been made, she left London for the States. At first, she simply went sight-seeing, working at bars when she decided to stay in a place for a few months.
She learned that it was hard to find foxes in large groups such as the one in London. However, she sometimes found that wolves would take her in to teach her some of what she needed to know. So, she learned and moved on when she felt it was time she did. Eventually the constant moving began to tire her and she looked for a permanent home. Something tugged at her soul, always leading her to some place. She wound up in Salem hoping to find a nice bar to work at and maybe some place to truly call home.
She found the people that would make her feel like she had come home, so when many of them moved to Hawaii, she followed close behind. Arrangements were made to have all her house's belongings moved to a new place that she called Casa de Raivyn.
Paradise wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Lives were lost, hearts were broken, and bodies were injured. When something woke, bringing the volcanoes to life with a fury, the Ulfric of the Crimson Snow Pack ordered an evacuation of his people. The pack had been good to her and many of them were dear to her heart so it was no wonder she'd be relocating with them.
Rome was quieter, at least to start with. She was able to lick the emotional wounds left from the disaster in Hawaii and become comfortable in who she was again. She even agreed to take the position of Hati in the pack when Ash asked her. Of course then came the wars. So much blood, so much death... it seemed to follow always behind to sap the will and urge to just give up the fight to live. Lexi couldn't stay there, no matter how much she wished to protect the ones she loved. For a time she returned to London to be close to her niece, licking her wounds and wishing heartily that all the pain - physical, emotional - would just disappear. The niggling thought that death might follow to endanger the last of her blood kin sent her packing, back across the 'pond' to land in New York. She'd begun there so many years ago and found that old friends remained, not to mention familiar faces of the Pack. She slipped easily back into the work she'd enjoyed - bartending - but added a few hours every other day as a waitress to help pay for her apartment. What could possibly go wrong pretending to be normal?
A L I A S : Ali
P L A Y B Y : Eliza Dushku
C H A R A C T E R S I T E : http://delightful-hellion.mfbiz.com