Hi Wicked! I'm Syd. Some of you may know me from LoST Hawaii, I played there with a wolf named Murphy (Alanis Morisette) and have been languishing in the land of journal RP ever since. The character's name is Christine Parker though I would recommend calling her Chris unless you want to get shot in the kneecap. She's been a pan-were for a little over a decade and has inside her the lycanthropy strains of lion, bear, and fox. Raised by a military father she is ex-military herself and has worked as an executioner for awhile though when they were grandfathering people into the Federal system she turned down the offer (cause how many Feds do we need?) and is working for NOPD as a Detective with a possible interest in a transfer into the Preternatural Division from Homicide. So I hope I get to meet a lot of you Wickedites soon and you can hit me up anytime at aiwayschasing@aol.com and you can be sure that I will do the same.
Welcome to Wicked Syd. I'm Matt. I playing Logan Ramsay. A were-lion. He's also with the NOPD as a Detective. SN is furlofsmoke. IM me if your interested in any play.
Never have we crossed paths Ms. Syd. I do hope in time we will play, I'm from the old school. Hit me up sometime should you be looking to play a good game. Name is Libra and rp a variety of characters. Welcome to Wicked! My wererat is a private investigator as well. Got so many law enforcements all in one spot, should make for a wicked time then.
Late to the game I am! lol. Welcome Welcome Syd *grins* I am the Peanut. Can't wait to have Syd and Chris meet! :D Sydney's never met a pan were before! So should be an interesting interaction :D hit me up if you ever wanna play some. abitterwhisper is the sn :) hope to see you in play, and Welcome! *drags Tom off with her* come on pervy one heh.