Since the Lounge posts gets more member traffic than our Mod Announcements (ahem) we thought we would post this here. Please have a look because it is important for you and for us.
what do you define as editing? i want to make sure i'm doing the right thing...
is it utter madness to suggest that we're all capable of posting our own logs in the logs section of the board, or do you do that for content control purposes? this is the first board that i've been to where the mods have taken on that heap of work, and maybe you don't have to! =D
Kiesah, what I do is get rid of all OOC chatter, screennames, and timestamps. I make sure each post has the respective character name in front of it, and sometimes I even fix typos.
thank you steven-person! that is most helpful =D and that i'm a hero. bonus point!
i think we could take it upon ourselves to decide who cleans up and posts logs at the end of im rps with each other, at the very least, to take that load off of the mods. they're really not that hard to clean up and post, and like the mods said they're already doing such for their own and for the big mamba jamba group rps.
the mods deserve more time to game and enjoy too! so say i. because sending in my im logs to the mods for them to post has kind of felt like being 'that' adult who brings their laundry over to their mother's for her to wash. :halo:
Appreciated banter from our heroes. We post the logs ourselves both to make sure to add content warning, to keep duplicates from going up, and to check logs for anything not approved. For instance if Jolene there suddenly starting lighting people on fire with a magical hot dog....that is a log we would have some questions about before putting it up. However, the posting to the board is minimally invasive of our time. Only the editing is a time eater. So that's why we made the request :) and again to those of you (Kiesah, Steven, Llidya, et all) who already do their own editing....BRAVO! -throws beads to them like at Mardi Gras-