I know I've been rather absent of late, I was expecting it somewhat, but not as much as it has been. Unfortunately, life has taken a few strange turns.
First let me tell you that my baby nephew is finally out of the hospital and doing much better, thank goodness! We were worried for a few days but now he is happy and healthy and just the cutest little thing!!! Honestly I was mortified the first time I held him but now it's just amazing!!!
Secondly, as I was afraid might happen, I'm having to move. >.< It sucks insanely, but sometimes it just goes that way. I have basically until the end of the month, but the good news is I've found a place to go! It's quite a distance from where I was, so I'm hoping I can adjust rather well,
And the last of my news is, besides the finding a place and having to move stress, I think I've gotten an in on a good job. (Freaking Finally!!!!) Not sure yet, waiting to hear back, but the testing they set me up for I aced with flying colors, so I'm hoping to hear something soon.
If I get it I'm not sure what my schedule will be like, but I will try to be back on more once things get settled. Should be moving within the next week or so. Anyways, I just wanted to drop a line to ya'll and let you know what was up with me and let ya'll know I miss you and I haven't forgotten about ya!!!! I hope everyone is doing well and that I will get a chance to play again soon!!
Well, so far so good! The majority of the move is gearing up to take place this weekend! As well as my second job interview which will be taking place on Saturday! (I know, weird for it to be on a Saturday, but hey, whatever... if I get it I'm not going to complain)
Not sure if I'll have internet directly after moving, but we shall see how things work out. Anyways, I miss you guys and love ya bunches! Can't wait until everything is settled so I canplay with ya'll again!