~Of course she had to invite Mr. Geller. After all, it was his business, and everything he did for her, she must treat him as well.~
"Mr. Geller, it is Dita. I know you must be busy with the family as of lately, but currently I am at Stella's with my assistant and would like to extend an invitation for you to join us. It's on me!"
+Geller had risen before the sun to get a head start on the errands that he had to run. Christmas was getting closer and he was starting to feel behind in his preparations. At least he and Frank had finally had that sit down to plan holiday menus and get everything squared away on the business end of things. When Dita called inviting him to lunch he was knee deep in paperwork for the restaurant at the kitchen table.+
"Dita honey you know there's nothing I'd love more than to have lunch with you, but if I don't do this boring stuff then no one will. I'll tell you what, give me a raincheck on lunch today and we'll have dinner just me and you after this holiday chaos is over with."
+Hearing Dita's good natured complaint he chuckled.+ "Well someone has to keep you in back seam stockings and feathered boas." +They talked a little more until he heard the voice of others joining her at the lunch table. Sending a hello to the boys he let Dita go to see to her guests.+