Part of me doesn't want to make a suggestion that pulls people's time away from the board even more than it seems to be, but I can resist sharing this because I think it's an awesome challenge and a cool opportunity. Next month I'll be participating in National Novel Writing Month (, which challenges writers to write 50,000 words during the month of November.
I partipated last year, and nearly reached 60,000 words by the end of the month. It was intense, it was insane, it was non-stop, but two weeks away from this year's Nano I'm a 143 pages in and only a chapter and a half away from finishing what I started last November, just in time to try and write a second book and make last year's idea into a series.
If anyone else is feeling crazy, let me know, and we can be Nano buddies and encourage each other to push our boulders up Mount Novel!