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Topic: Read this damnit!

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Date: Oct 8, 2011
Read this damnit!
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So this may get me introuble it may not. Who knows since the whole fucking place is a ghost town. And pardon my french but lets just say 2 months with no direction and no play with the group has made me a little annoyed. So I have an idea.

Lets see who is still poking their noses in. Who wants to get things kick started again? Obviously the mods have kinda thrown us the game and said have a party as there has been little word from them save some logs. So...

If anyone even still gives a shit and wants to play. How about we all meet and kick around ideas to maybe get this game started again.

Whose with me?

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Date: Oct 8, 2011
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Let's talk about the elephant in the room.  I know of three other boards that sprung off of this one in the past two months, and since I'm not exactly connected to the in-crowd here I wouldn't be surprised if there's one more I don't know about.  Those who are still playing, I'd call it likely they're putting their time and energy into those communities and whether or not they're saying it publically it feels like they've moved on.

I don't want to put time and effort starting something up at this place because I don't want it to be yet another thing that the mods shut down when they feel like coming back.  When I first came to this board on another character I was asked here by a couple of players I admire, but since then we've pretty much taken our game elsewhere.  I can't speak for them but on my part I've seen too many mod hands in what the players want to play, even in small private SLs on the board, for me to really enjoy this game and want to put effort into it.  So when I bring Cooper around it's only because of a long time love of the mun of Georgia Grace and her rp.  That's probably blunt of me, but I figured I might as well be honest since you're asking where folks stand.



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Date: Oct 8, 2011
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Makes perfect sense to me. And I completely agree, I want to, if anyone else doe,s want bring life back into this place since the mods dont seem to want to do it. But I agree why try when it seems its dead and the mods are more than content to leave it that way. However that does leave those of us who tried to stick around and stay faithful if you will to spiral into oblivion. So I leave this open for a few days and after that few days and the responses I get Ill probably find someplace to take my chars to since this place seems to have fallen by the way side which is frankly sad because I did enjoy this place for the brief time I was in it and more importantly I have made a few good friends here. But like I said keep this up a few days see where it goes who wants to bother so on and so forth.

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Date: Oct 8, 2011
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There are other boards that sprung off of WL? That's the first I heard of it. Anyone that knows me, knows I am not 'big' on playing on message boards and I admit, I have been playing less then usual on the board. I know that I am online in one way or another pretty much every night but I do rarely if every get IM'd. Sometimes I'll throw out an IM to say hi and there have been times recently that I just threw out invitations to a room but it seems that even when people enter the room they don't always play.

So.... I have no issues opening rooms. I would love to play. Everyone as a whole have to work to throw off the apathy of the real world though.

If you want to play.... IM me, If you want to stir up play, Open a room and invite people. If everyone tries then things will get going again.



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Date: Oct 9, 2011
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I hear ya ..but the only problem with me is that I don't get on until night since I work during the day. And when I do get on and im people they are heading to bed for work tomorrow. So if you want to me and invite me ...XAstridYoungX is the sn I'm mostly on..I have other characters to if you don't want to play with her .


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Date: Oct 9, 2011
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I was wondering if anyone else felt the way I did and it seems I'm not alone. I'm still new to this world and didn't know if I was missing something, or just not knowing the secret password to the private world of WL. I would love to still play and see how this character develops. I stopped posting on here since there was little or no chance of my character showing up at the areas where things were going on, and when I would log onto AIM it would be the same people that are always on and would receive no hint that anyone even knew I was there. It was very lonely and so I decided to just check here every once and a while to see if the sleeping giant of the Mods would do anything. If it's for real that people will start getting things moving again I'll start again showing up again on AIM if people really do want to play. Send me a tell if you see me on AIM it means I'm here to play. SN is adams.Taylor



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Date: Oct 10, 2011
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For lack of a better term I’ve been lurking in the shadows the last couple weeks. Though in truth i pretty much am despaired over the situation that has befallen WL. Upon joining this Sl I attempted a number of times to reach out to several people for play and many whom are now  no longer “here” and I do not care to name these people and I think if the mods honestly came back they’d discover pretty quickly who all was still in the Sl.

A number of the responses I’ve gotten were lack of group play, Lack of the vital aspects that promote the evolution of a Character. People in supposed Clitches and majorly the lack of Mod’s available for any sort of comment.

As Maddox Mun knows I waited three weeks to find out an application I sent in was not “received”  I have since resent that application and low and behold two more weeks have passed without a response. I fully understand everyone has lives. I fully understand the mods do as well And I get that sometimes you just don’t want to do what has to be done to keep a Sl like WL running.  But all I’m asking for is a heads up.. A simple e-mail telling me a character status to which I have a two hundred part log sitting in my log deposit box without a single power reference to name.

Now I Was briefly apart of Salvations Lost after the incidents that occurred with LF.. I joined Lost City of Dreams when I was aware of it coming out and I joined Wicked hoping that whatever flaws would have been rectified by the course of time.

We all love our characters. We love playing them, Seeing them in good times and in bad. Watching as they struggle to survive.  So when I say this I say it with a honest heart and MY OPINION. Wicked Labyrinth has potential to be much more then it is. If the mods need help I know many people would jump up to help them out. If this is the case they need to ask us. But leaving us in the dark about everything is going to kill this Sl.


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Date: Oct 10, 2011
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Im on quite a bit and only a very selcet few have ever reached out to play. So this all cant be laid at the feet of our beloved mods.Just throwing that out there. This time of the year is always slow especially play wise. You have holidays...Kids...Xmas second jobs...Or in my case football. Life has the tendency to kick us in the ass. Ive talked to several people. They are in the middle of trying to get back to us. Just give it time. Contuie playing making the sl go a while longer.

Were making our way back slowly but surely.


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Date: Oct 10, 2011
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Dont get me wrong this isnt a bitch fest where all the blame is on the mods. I am saying however their lack of leadership, communication so on and so forth is a bit upsetting. Not to mention I understand we all have real life believe me I do, but if your going to leave people for extended periods of time before letting them know if they are approved both New chars and people who arent new have been waiting to get in. Just put up a note, hey we are busy with real life no the games not dead blah blah blah. I understand this time of year gets busy but there are few who have the lack to play anymore and as I have been told by a few people some within this sl it is dead stick a fork in it and I am trying not to believe that as I do like it here.

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Date: Oct 10, 2011
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Im going on six years strong with the sl...Its been rumored to be dead so many times its not even funny. But its those who havent been with us long that are quick to yell its dead. Have a lil faith the mods are working hard to get back to us. Lets do our part as the players and keep things moving..Worry about developing our already played chars while they are away.


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Date: Oct 10, 2011
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I was going to say the same as Maddox.  Everyone was so quick over the summer to let folks know when they were stepping away on vacations or for personal business and so on – even if it was only two days, which I always laughed a little at - and then all the sudden muns just all vanished without saying anything at all.  That's a change, a silence that's been going on for well over a month, and I think these folks posting to this thread have a right to be a little confused because of it.  Add to that the fact that the moderators here choose to be anonymous, which already puts a bit of distance in any communication with them, and that they haven't even posted a leave for themselves as the mods, and I think you could see why the folks here would be feeling a little lost.

As for you folks who are feeling lost or at a loss, it sounds like you're looking for a larger SL to happen that your characters could be a part in order to jump start things again?  If that's the case, that's where I echo Eva.  I don't think there any reason to wait around for the mods to come back to make that happen, instead of waiting for leadership I think we can take the lead.  Among those of us who are here we can develop something that'll interest us.  I'm honestly glad to read that I wasn't the only one frustrated with the settings where things were going on (my hat's off to you, Taylor) because I had much of the same issue with my characters here and was met with resistance every time settings that weren't bar/nightclub were offered.

So why not do it?  Come up with a SL that tickles our pickles and run with it, and we can set it somewhere(s) that's not the norm for this place to see what new stuff can come from a dose of something different.  No sense in waiting around feeling disgruntled that nothing's happening (or on my part no sense in not playing just because the mods might shut down the play someday), we're all capable folk that can make it happen.  If it's worry that the mods aren't going to like whatever happens in their absence, I'm happy to offer myself as the personal sacrifice.  Throw me under the bus if they don't like what we came up with, if I get kicked off the board at least I can be kicked off with a smile knowing that you guys got some entertainment from what we played in the meantime.  Hell I play the villain anyway, at least on Cooper, and villains never come to a good end.

That was my ‘once more into the breech’ style pep talk, how’d it go?  If none of ya’ll feel jazzed about taking the lead on running a larger SL, I’m happy to.  Done it plenty before.  Just say the word.  Now that we're here and got what we don't like off of our chests, let's move to part two and start talking about what we'd like to do.



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Date: Oct 10, 2011
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Thanks Coop mun. Im not jumping up and saying its dead. I am saying it seems like it is dead. I am all for getting something started. peach mun and I have discussed what kind of sl we could do to get everyone interested. Im more peeved about the lack of communication with mods and players. But you're right, onto the next little tidbit of what we can do. I can play a villian if one is needed, I can offer up any of my chars for the sl's long as none of them die. I started this to see if
A. There was anyone who was even wanting to keep the home fires burning
B. If so what can we come up with to kick start the play again
C. Get it all out there in the open what everyone is thinking and not saying.

Theres my sacrifice, bring it up and bitch about the mods. SO If they see this and I dont get kicked Im game to start churning idea's out.

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Date: Oct 10, 2011
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I'm willing to place some idea's out there. I have been having this plan rolling around in my head for a few months but was trying to figure out how to start it off. If anyone wants to find out what it is just hit me with a im ...

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Date: Oct 10, 2011
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I am pretty sure you guys know that I am game for a SL.  I don't like the idea of Wicked being "dead".

As for the long absences, that threw me off as well, as in why people used to say hey guys gone for the weekend then people disapear for weeks, months, when just a quick real life is crazy or whatnot post that takes three seconds, I do not think that is to much to ask for, and I find nothing wrong with developing the charries that are in the SL.  But it would be nice to know that other's are not going to be added for a time period because the MOD's lifes have gone crazy busy.  As for the new charrie applications, the Mods very easy could of told people that have applied, sorry we are behind right now, will get to you when IRL slows down or something, instead of letting people wonder what the hell.  Just saying.

Asking people to play, when you ask people, especially people that say I want to play in the c-box and they say hey I'm busy but later, well it would sure be nice if they got back to you.  I don't think I should have to feel like I am 'pestering' someone because they can't tell me when they want to play, after saying yes let's play.




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Date: Oct 10, 2011
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Then i see almost everyone is in agreement. well then.

My solution isn't one that will looked favorablely upon by the mods i'm sure however it will kick start the story again with a bang. I'm willing to take one for the team (even if this means getting kicked out when they do awake up) and come up with a plotline to awake this slumbering beast. All i need to know is if i do that i'll have people to both assist and play it out.

The mods gathered the information, They moderate the game to ensure it doesn't get out of hand. But in all rights this was always the players story.. This is their sweat and time invested.

This story isn't dead yet. but i saw City of dreams fall apart by dormency. It's not a pretty sight. So any one who's interested. IM me at Kredion6688 or Pm me here on the boards with your personal desires of what you want from your character. using this i'll fill in whatever holes i need to and we'll forge on another day.


Thank you for your time.

-- Edited by ARIC on Monday 10th of October 2011 05:53:31 PM


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Date: Oct 10, 2011
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I don't mind replying to this here, it's not like it's a secret.  I've got no specific desires with Cooper, and Cooper's desires are plain as the nose on his face. 

The one thing I'll say, just to be up front about it, is I don't do well in SLs that are planned beginning through end.  I'm not a planner, there's just no spark in it for me if I know how everything's going to end up.  I'm more the type that likes SLs where an inciding incident is set in motion and the players play and discover from there depending on what each of them does and says.

If ya'll are planners, that's alright by me.  I don't want you shifting your styles just to accomodate me.  I just wanted to say that now rather than later because I know camps are divided on this issue in roleplay. 



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Date: Oct 10, 2011
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I agree with Coop mun. I prefer to have an idea of where it could go, like plan out the setting the start of the plot and go from therem, I dont like having it all planned out.

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Date: Oct 31, 2011
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Hey guys,

I'd like to extend my sincerest apology at my absence. I won't say I had a mental breakdown, but more of a mental break, lol. Anyhow, I saw this thread and was glad to see that others are willing to fight.

I was thinking of having a room theme list that I can spin off of to open rooms, instead of it just being a bar/restaurant theme. If you guys could pm me with room ideas, I can compile a list and roll a d20 or something when I start up rooms, starting this week. Thanks.


PS - I may have a very good plot device to get this party started, not a plan, but the beginning of a module you could say...



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Date: Oct 31, 2011
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Well with no real ideas brought to my feet I worked with Peach to devise something that everyone is invited to and thus far it has gotten a fairly poor response to anyone not played by myself, autumn or Peach save Titus, and maybe another I am forgetting. It is an open thread to everyone as the title states and we both worked hard to come up with something. I would like to say Im not disappointed but I am as so many were wanting to fix it but few have even put anything up to do so. Its not a waste of my time as I am enjoying it as it plays out but Im a little disappointed in the turn out since so many wanted to do something and yet here is a chance and there is a lackluster response.

Sorry if I am a bit bitchy about it but words and actions as Mads says are two widely different things. So to carry on with the bitch theme, y'all put your money where you mouth is and get to posting. Or im me to work on idea's for something else as I am always game to have a chat about sl idea's other than what do you have in mind, if I knew of something I would post it. Work with me not against me and all that crap, but I am off to bed so hopefully shit gets kickin around here.

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Date: Nov 1, 2011
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Honestly I wanted something back from the mods about the application before i even bothered with this Sl anyfurther. I waited two months total now and it's utterly unheard of. I don't know where the mods went but they obviously see themselves as better then the rest of us if they can't give one tiny little response one way or another in the course of a month.

As for not contributing anything to a story well i was told not to plan so i didn't.

frankly at the moment Sam i Am is notta happy camper..

-- Edited by ARIC on Tuesday 1st of November 2011 02:41:08 PM


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Date: Nov 1, 2011
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Well actually, no one ever said dont plan, what was said was that people dont play out planned charactors or planned storylines all the way through. And not to mention having tried two torylines one part of wicked and one not and you flaked out on both, I honestly had no hope you would even stick around to its completion anyway.

People have been approved over you, have you bothered to try and get in contact with the mods in anyway shape or form other than a random email once every month or so? And by the by, in your pissy wake of 'no word from the mods' you totally abandoned a character that you helped to mold to what she is now, and that is appauling for the simple reason the mods hadn't approved the char. You almost killed the desire for that char to be played by that person.

Plus, you act as if you aren't getting play from somewhere, from what I have seen before I decided I did not like the boards or sl and left bringing my char back here, you are the CENTER of a few sl in another group. So, dont act like you care because you dont and if you have anything further to say on this subject, we can be adults and speak it out in IM's because I have quite a bit to say on many many things.

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Date: Nov 5, 2011
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-Scoots over, eating popcorn, reading everything since mun's been MiA for much longer- I see that you all really have been discussing the ideal about getting all of us in a group gathering where we can all play. I been working on grabbing you folks. Ren and I suggested a long way back about getting people involved in some stories. I've played with most of you. As for you Aric's mun(an old companion of mine), we've chatted. I remember about the character and the application you spoke to me about. I just got back from a ...-clears throat- bad, bad internet for too long week(or month). I been gone cause I had no connection to respond, speak, im etc. So I have reasons to be away. I already explained it to Georgia mun(Tami) and she just spotted me earlier today. Glad someone missed me -weeps- Yay! ^_^

Others I've played with is Nate and plenty of others. Hopefully, all my characters from the sweet, loving doc(leopard doc/Mr. Connors himself), a Frenchie vamp(Joseph), and most others should definitely give you something to be driven into many SLs. All of our characters has something to bring to the table. I am sure we as a swell team should stick as glue. Open up rooms, invite whoever is on in the room, then we can all roll dice or try to vote on a location etc.

I was thinking of a SL since I been offline! -still is happy to be back into action- It's underway. Please let me know if any of you like to participate.


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Date: Nov 6, 2011
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-shakes head- from the bottom of my heart all i can say is idots.


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Date: Nov 7, 2011
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Alrighty. Well I'm going to take this time (that I have) and extend MY sincerest apologies for my 2-month absence. As most of you know, my mother had major neck surgery at the beginning of this year, so I've been taking care of her. I'm also a full-time student, and as some people might think that taking online courses are not as busy as being in class, I can guarantee you that is a lie. Personally, online courses are much harder than attending campus because you have to read on your own, learn the material on your own, and have 8-10 assignments plus course projects that you have to do. And that takes up a lot of your time. Also, I have a part-time job working at Sephora (yay go me for selling makeup!!) that I actually just started last week. I was working at Barnes and Noble for the past few months, and they were working me like a dog. 8 hour shifts, 4 days out of the week, and every off day that I had, I was "on-call." Like seriously?? I can understand being on-call as a surgeon or a nurse, but for a book store??? And I'm just starting a new relationship with someone (most of you know about my bad ones and all that drama lol) so I'm doing that as well.

As for the game and the mods. As you can see, and just like Aly said, the people who run this game who has also ran LoST, LoST Hawaii, and whatever the one in Rome was, are quite busy with their lives. Being a member with them from the beginning, I can tell you that around this time it ALWAYS becomes slow because of work, because of the holidays, because of family, because of school, and whatever else that comes into their lives. I can also tell you that they NEVER abandon the game. No matter how long they have been gone or how long they never respond to simple or difficult matters, when they do come back, and they do, their reasons are legit. They don't just drop a game completely and disappear. They may not have the time or decency to respond to posts or approving characters or say they're disappearing, but if it has something to do with shutting down the game, they will send out a mass email to EVERYONE their reasons why. And I haven't got an email like that, have you?

So, while we're talking about ideas, I have an idea for yall. For months now, I've been wanting to start up this storyline and it does involve EVERYONE. If you have read Dee Dee's history, she was in a military unit that killed off super naturals and lycanthropes alike. When I left London Fog, I had that her unit invaded the city and killed off everyone (because that's a legit excuse for me LOL). So I'm thinking the same thing, minus killing off everyone. Perhaps yall would be interested in having Dee's unit come into the city and start invading? We don't have to have characters die (unless you really want to kill them off), but some could get seriously injured.

Anyways, that's my 2 cents.



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Date: Nov 10, 2011
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I find it interesting that we had two different ideas for the military but they revolve around the same thing. Titus was in a spec ops unit that used paranormals to gather intel.

Aside from that I would be down for that idea and any others you all have. Feel free to IM or e-mail me.


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Date: Nov 10, 2011
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Alrighty then...*cracks knuckles*....I posted my bit before I came here. *sniggers* sorry. I originally posted for Georgia to meet Ren at one eyed jacks at 8 pm (um...tonight? est?) If you guys are reall serious about giving the sl a good kick in the butt quit your bitching and show up. =D

I know everyone can't be there at that time, but since we can use it to boot around ideas and such, I'm sure it won't be a short lived conversation.



They Who Shall Not Be Named
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Date: Nov 15, 2011
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Dear Wicked K.R., TJ, Bri, Court, Rich, Sam, Tami, Jules, Libra, Aly, Manda, Troy and Ren,

We have read this dammit! Your concerns concern us, and we apologize profusely for our inexcusable length of absence. We can only ask that you forgive us and do as the British do: Keep Calm and Carry On Roleplaying.

We have some exciting sub-SLs that we'll be kicking off this week and hope that you grab a party hat and some hazmat gear and jump in feet first!

Until then,

Stay Classy Wicked Labyrinth.


The Wicked Mods

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Date: Nov 15, 2011
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I will say I was surprised to see an email from the mods in my box. I am personally glad to see that you lot are back and have things planned to hopefully build life back within the forum. I know myself that I have kept on keeping on in playing in the absence. I was writing this string to try and bring others in as well. Some did some didn't. But good to have you back.

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Date: Nov 16, 2011
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Just cause I have to say something.

Cause  for the first time in seven years Ive decided I dont..and cant stay with a sl.Good luck



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Date: Nov 19, 2011
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*sniffles* I got no email. Am I still allowed to be a pain in the ass? Am I still lubbed? =D


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