at work they sent an email saying 'don't worry, they're testing generators that's why the floor shook'... then they sent another saying 'um, it was an earthquake but... don't worry' LOL but I was at home being sickly and didn't notice anything in the apartment
We felt it where we are, I was sitting on my bed and it was like a wave shook the house and my bed was shaking. I thought it was something out of the friggin Exorcist!
I personally didn't feel anything in Kentucky but I was sound asleep when it happened. Also, they say that since Kentucky is a large Karst system the caves absorb some of the shock...I don't see how though.
Some people felt it more keenly in different places. Downtown in skyrises everyone lost their shit. Where I was everyone kind of looked around and started cracking jokes. The zero phone reception was annoying though
We felt it pretty strong here, and I was up on the 4th floor, got to see the floor ripple. Pretty fuckin weird. I'm down in SW Virginia; I had a friend up in Maine say they felt a little something too. Crazy.
I was knocked out with cold medicine, but no one else in the house felt it (Triad Area of NC). I wouldn't have known anything about it if I hadn't gone to get a drink and heard it on the news.
Well I had felt it here in Md. But I figure it was a earthquake since I have this cool app on my iphone which let me know when there any earthquakes anywhere in the world. . So I was like earthquake grab my neice and stood in the doorway even thought it woke me up from my nap .I knew it happen before the news even knew about it But it scared the crap out of everyone in my house.