Yes, feathers on the sidewalk
Wings flapping, flapping
Black across the void - messenger
Yes, I’m listening
Yes, it’s there;
Yes the wind is changing
Yes the sound is stronger
Yes the sky is widening
Yes the storm clouds thunder;
feathers on the sidewalk, blowing, yes
the message they told, yes
listening, yes hearing
Yes the fire birds smolder
Yes the ash falls longer
the burning inquiry, yes
the rumbling meaning, yes
the message is leaving
Yes, hearing seeing
Yes, listening;
Black across the void, messenger
Yes, black
Yes, away
Yes, strange
Yes, welcome
Yes, listening, promise, hearing, yes
the rain moon rising, yes
the dew fog dying, yes
the stone clouds rolling
Yes, the thunderbirds tolling
I do so love automatic writers. New Orleans is going to be interesting.