E Y E C O L O R : Amber w flecks of blue,red,green,and violet.
H A I RC O L O R : Silent’s hair reaches about her mid back. It’s a mix of her original dark brown followed by the mix of colorful dreadlock extensions. Something Silent takes pride in… Its usually wrapped up away from her face in a bandana or pulled up into a pony tail. The colors usually very by the season. In the fall more earthy tones..The winter..Water tones..Spring…Well bright colors..And summer usually is a free for all of reds and blues and blonds. Also where some peoples dreadlocks tend to…Well smell bad she’s come up with her own mix of sandalwood and jasmine to prevent that little issue .
H E I G H T : 5’10
W E I G H T : 170 lbs
SCENT: The smell of the muddy banks of swamps rolled in with the smell of the French Quarter on a hot and muggy July morning. Everything that is new orleans.
D I S T G U I S H I N G F E A T U R E S : Her current piercings are: Two on her lips(snake bites) . One on her left eyebrow. One in her septum. 0ga in each ear. Tattoos: A homemade tank girl tattoo on her right arm she got when she was sixteen. A large black paw print on her stomach On each arm she has a tattoo of a A- bomb from the tank girl comics. A heart with two guns on her back with the Letters A R in it. On her chest she has a tattoo of a locus and two sugar skulls at each side. Other then her piercings and tattoos there is a faint scar on her left shoulder from the attack that turned her.
F L A V O R : Swamp wolf
D E S C R I P T I O N : Black wolf with a silver bandit marking over her eyes and ears. Amber eyes with multi colored flecks..Stands about three foot...Smaller then most werewolves.Has webbing on its paws. And the deep unmistakeable smell of all things new Orleans and of the swamps.
S K I L L S : (Skills in Human form Please use as many spaces as you need and delete what you didn't use) * Fire and sword dancing * Restaurant management * Fiddle & Washboard playing. * Culinary Degree * Fluent in Russian, Norse, German, Celtic. As bits of Italian, Spanish, French * Skilled with a knife * Pretty good marks woman * Knows her way around a boat * Quite the con woman
A B I L I T E S : (Please list from highest to lowest Abilities for Vampire, Lycanthropes and Paranormals. Please use as many spaces as you need and delete what you didn't use)
* Improved sense (sight,earing,tast,smell,ect.) * Increased Speed and Strength * Touch of the Beast * Improved Resilience * Regeneration * Lifting The Veil * Control w/ Sex and blood * Comforting Touch * Commune with the Beast * Command Beasts * Shields * Call of the Munin * Ability to tap into the munin’s powers. * No Coma Shift * Swift Shift * Healing.: Not only wolves but lycans close to her. * Sooth the Beast * Swamp Mist: It cloaks lycans. Sometimes hiding them when they dont want to be seen. But most of all it soothes ones beast. Reminding one of their most comforrted moment. * Link the Clan
W E A P O N S C A R R I E D : Switchblade knife.A smiley(a 10ga chain w/a master lock.A boot knife (Only worn when she wears shoes)
W E A P O N S O W N E D : 9mm that is kept on her night stand and a Winchester Rifle with Silver slugs in the trunk of her car
A C C E S S O R I E S : A knot work raven pendent, that is always worn on her necklace along with the swan feathers A mp3 cell phone. A green messenger bag An Army print Dell Laptop An Hello Kitty Fatboy Bicycle An 1967 Chevy Malibu-Cherry Red. Gun and conceled weapon's permit. A Wild Animal in City Limits Permit for Wolves
H O M E :The 3 bedroom loft above the Hookah. The Loupe Plantation. Where ever the pack is she calls home.
O C C U P A T I O N : Owner/Cook at the Hookah. Also the owner of Club Decay a three level club that has three different types of clubs.
E X T R A D E T A I L S : Silent travels with a pair of wolves..One a grey timber wolf the other a large black swamp wolf.
B I R T H P L A C E : Kilona, LA
F A M I L Y : Mother & Father (decesed) Sister& Brother (presumed dead)
Ash Redfern (Ulfric & Mate) The Pack. Nyx and Sirus (pups)
Milo Jones (Best friend) Capt Jonas Orisis (Adopted father)
H I S T O R Y : Look to website.
A L I A S : Aly B
P L A Y B Y : Messy stench
C H A R A C T E R S I T E : hunterskisses.moonfruit.com