Hey everyone my name is Rich i'm a newbi to the world of online RPing. This is my first character Taylor Adams a Paranormal that's just hitched his way into the Big Easy. Really looking forward to meeting you all. By the way e-mail/aim is adams.taylor@aol.com.
Hi Rich! Welcome to the Wicked! My name is Kyrie and I play Brooklyn the were-rat, and Alessandro the medium...their SNs are thesqueakynote@aol.com and chaoticballet@aol.com respectively. Just IM for play!
Greetings Rich! I'm Libra and I am the mun of Owen as well as several other cast of characters already in the game. If you are ever in the neighborhood, look me at haleofmystery@aol.com or rainingbutterfiy@aol.com. I may be around to ask you for some playing time eventually.