A B I L I T E S : (Please list from highest to lowest Abilities for Vampire, Lycanthropes and Paranormals. Please use as many spaces as you need and delete what you didn't use)
O C C U P A T I O N : Owns a few random business from Law firms to corner stores to restate.
B I R T H P L A C E : England
F A M I L Y: N/A
H I S T O R Y : England 1430.
Rosary held in delicate hands. Lips moved in silent prayer. Steel blue eyes watched. She was a creature so divine. The Virgin Mary could never compare. He prayed for his soul then. Crossing himself for the
yearning stirring within him. He had to see her, touch her, hear her speak.
She rose. Eyes cased down to the ground. Sure quiet steps leading her to the confessional booth. He hurried to the other side. Hearing her door closed and then her voice "Forgive me father." Her voice heavenly. He knew it then, she had to be his. His vows forbid him. Listening closer. "I did an unforgivable sin, father. I had relations with a man out of wedlock."
Jaw clinched. Unforgivable.
"How old are you child?" Eyes turned to the screen blocking her from the priest. "Fifteen, father" Jaw went tight again. "Remove your clothes." Shock spread across her face. "Fath-" "You heard me, remove your clothes. The lord lives within you. You have soiled the temple of god by sleeping with a man you are not married to. Now remove your clothes. Once you have, face the wall and do not look behind you. I will purge this evil from your body."A muffled cry of despair. Clothing rustling being
removed slowly, nervously missing buttons as she fumbled to take off the chemise she wore. When her naked flesh was exposed he rose from his section and into her own. Taking his stash he blindfolded the girl. "You will recite the prayer of redemption with me. Repeat after me..." He said. His hand was already searching within his frock for his member. Fingers delicately touching her sex. One finger then another probing her till he knew she was getting wet."Jesus, I hear you calling me. I feel you loving me..." Pushing inside her she gave out a cry. He covered her mouth breathing against the side of her neck. "Repeat the words," his voice harsh with a thrust of his hips. Palm was removed from the girl's mouth as she stuttered the words free from her lips; "J-jesus I hear you c-calling me. I f-feel you l-loving me."---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The beginning of her life was that started of sin. It was no wonder why she had been chosen. Chosen. That was where the story should take place. A human's life is all the same. Birth, childhood, teenager and finally adult hood. Finally, since she would be forever the age of twenty-five. Old age would never touch her. Why should it ever? She was a human who should always be one of forever beauty.
Created in the year 1485.
Ten years already into the War of Roses. However, the story starts the year in which the wars had begun. The struggle of power was felt from all ends of society. Some more than others. A kingdom was in turmoil, though for one female it was the perfect power struggle. Hiding within the royal house of Plantagent. Her voice had been that fire that fueled the civil war. It took herbody and whispers of greatness to start the two houses to fight. Fight they did. Within those walls however, a young servant girl had captured the eyes of one of the noblemen of the house of York. Something sparked behind the eyes of the woman who was the master-mind of this war. Carmella approached the servant girl. There was such beauty to this woman that she took the girl in.
Carmella nurtured this young girl into a woman. Claiming the child had been her niece sent to be raised by Carmella and to learn all the ways of a noblewoman. The minds of all who had seen the young girl had been twisted to see her as a noble female. Carmella planted the memories of her being a niece to a wealthy set of parents and removing all traces of a life that was unfitting to what this woman would soon become.The nobleman of York was so interested in the young girl that he asked to court her. Carmella, being on the side of the Lancaster's used this to take advantage.
She brought the son of York to her side and the war raged for the next 20 years. In such time Carmella raised Miranda to be a woman full knowledge of all things. At the end of the war, she would finally turn Miranda into that line of lust and love. From the beds of nobles these two started and ended wars for centuries. Hiding within the noble houses and working behind the curtains of kings and even queens. There was no place that these two could not penetrate. Miranda learning all there was to know from her sire. She would eventually leave the woman.Into the new world she traveled. A well educated woman with all the powers to persuade a wealthy man, or family to take her in. She would live with them for a while, taking what possessions they had with the power of her mind and soon they would all die, leaving her all they had.Such a life was always filled with wanting. Wanting of so much more; power. Seeking out her sire in the year 1850. Miranda went into the deep lushes of Africa. It had been there that she learned of the death of her sire. She sought all who had murdered Carmellaand found that they had already perished. Though in this journey she acquired new gifts. Rage could be such a powerful tool when it�s been tapped.
That was exactly what happened to Miranda. Her powers filled her to the brim. Seeking out all and any that would come to her aid, she found it reaching for creatures of the savanna. A large lion came to her aid. The beast moved within the night searching for the woman who had called it to her. Following it was the members of his small pride. Three lionesses and a pair of cubs. Being unsure what it meant, she sent the lion on a hunt for game for his pride. A thing that no males ever did. He would follow her directions bringing back a young deer for the rest to feast upon.Using this, she took the pair of cubs home with her back to the states. On her land she put game they could hunt, and raised them as her wn. As all creatures they grew old and eventually died. Miranda mourned the loss for her beautiful lions. With time she moved in it and felt almost no part of it. Technology grew, changed and she would also change with the times. Having to move from the United States to Europe and back once again. Along the way she would always remember the companionship of her cubs.It was not until Vampires were made legal citizens did she finally feel part of this world again. No longer did she have to change her name to take over her own lands or business. Miranda traveled openly across the states. Along the way she found the touch of lions in cities. Some would chase her out and other weaker ones followed her until she grew bored of them.
Now, in New Orleans she wondered what she would find here.
A L I A S : Red
P L A Y B Y : Billie Piper
C H A R A C T E R S I T E : www.bebo.com/larmesdesangre
-- Edited by MIRANDA on Sunday 14th of August 2011 10:39:43 AM