Tom here. Soooooooooo....sometimes when I get writers block and all my characters hide out in my brain I end up with characters who I have retired slipping through the cracks looking for attention. So since I can't seem to concentrate on anyone but Johnny atm I am bringing back to life two old characters to see if they can wake up my brain. Who knows if they'll stay long term or just be used to draw the others out of hiding. Jesus, I sure am glad you guys are as insane as me so that made sense (hopefully).
Anyway, this is Hannibal King from LoST Rome. He is a half Sabbat Line vampire and half Tarakian. He is loud, obnoxious, and dreams at night of either finally sleeping with his best friend Trinity or getting to put a stake six inches through Faith Danovan's heart. Not sure in the future if any of the chars connected to him will come over but this is me going on record as saying Set, Ariadne, and Trinity should do just that. (winks to Mel, Lex, and Ash)
Hope to get to play with all of you soon and maybe you can help me beat the evil writers block demon into submission. :) Pretty please?
So here's number two who decided he is ready to come out of the closet. This is Solomon Durham from LoST Hawai'i. He is a former Humans First agent and Phoenix. When his Phoenix was awakened he was put into a magically induced sleep state by the power of the former Master of the City of New Orleans Valentino. Solomon has been sleeping in a glass coffin in that vampires old manor here in New Orleans for the last five years or so. When he wakes up he'll have to figure out how his old life and his new life come together and watching this particularly angst driven man do that should be fun. Assuming Squish can give my writers block the old heave ho. :)
Tom? I'll help too! Beat that evil writer's block. I get that all the time, but something clicks and I start writing which comes out of nowhere that happens on day to day basis. I look forward when we finally get to play.