D I S T G U I S H I N G F E A T U R E S : scent of vanilla. Claw scars on her left shoulder. Celtic tribal work around biceps.
F L A V O R : Lion
D E S C R I P T I O N : white lion
S K I L L S : (Skills in Human form Please use as many spaces as you need and delete what you didn't use)
* Skill : Drawing * Skill : Painting * Skill : Oil pastels and Art in general * Skill : Illusions * Skill : Performance Magic * Skill : Running a club * Skill : Acrobatics * Skill : cracking safes * Skill : skills associated with thievery
A B I L I T E S : (Please list from highest to lowest Abilities for Vampire, Lycanthropes and Paranormals. Please use as many spaces as you need and delete what you didn't use)
* Ability : Improved Strength * Ability : Improved speed * Ability : Improved Senses * Ability : Touch of the Beast * Ability : Improved Resilience * Ability : Regeneration * Ability : LIfting the Veil * Ability : Control w/ Sex * Ability : Control w/ Blood * Ability : Comforting Touch * Ability : Shields * Ability : No Coma Shift * Ability : Partial Shift
* Ability : Anubis shift * Ability :sooth the Beast * Ability : Resist the Call * Ability : Honied Kiss
W E A P O N S O W N E D : list all weapons your character owns but doesn't always carry on them
A C C E S S O R I E S : iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Macbook Pro, ciggarettes, Lighter, car keys, Expedition.
H O M E :Plantation house on the outskirts of Nawlins
O C C U P A T I O N : Jewel Theif and Magician
B I R T H P L A C E : New Orleans, Louisianna
F A M I L Y: Victoria Abonwood (mother, deseased), Maximillian Abonwood (deseased), Luke Callahan (adopted brother)
H I S T O R Y : Sydney was born in New Orleans. The only child to the famouse Illusionist, and Magician at the time, Maximillian Abonwood. Her mother died in childbirth, and Syd growing up as the apple of her father's eye. Her's was a happy childhood, spoiled in some ways, but never taking it for granted. It was when Sydney was 8 years old, that Luke Callahan, at 12 years old, came to her family. Showing up at one of the stops along the road that their carnival made. Max deciding to take him in. Luke was a run away from an abusive mother and step father. It took awhile to get totally comfortable with the family. But soon he intergrated himself easily. Fitting in with Sydney herself, as well as the others that were..."Family" Lilly, Max's life partner, Mouse, another that Max had taken in years ago, who was a bit slow, but loyal beyond any other, and Jean Luc Le'Cleric, her father's closest friend, who also helped to raise Sydney in those early years, and take care of the large plantation house they all called home. Summers were spent on the road. The rest of the time, back in nawlins, performing at her father's club when she wasn't in school. She got straight A's, much to Luke's annoyance. Made the deans list, and went on to college.
Around the time she was about 20, after having gotten out of school, was when she met John. The two quickly became best friends, and Sydney ended up moving out of her appartment to try what was called the Tramp lifestyle. Living in a tent in the woods around town. She had what she needed. But without the hassles of living indoors. She was soon introduced to the rest of John's friends. Dog, Big Dave, Gabby, Preacher, Sara, Lily, and Sedoena.
It happend to be on one of those nights, when she was hanging with the rest, Close to the full moon, and they were all sitting around. Drinking..smokeing. Having a blast, when Sydney and John ended up in a fight to end all fights. Screaming at one another. Ranting and raving and carrying on. When finally John lost control and the next thing Sydney knew, she was on the ground. Her jaw throbbing, and John standing over her. All furry and half man half…lion. Slashing at her. Tearing into her, untill finally the pain took her and she blacked out.
She came too a few days later, to find Dog, Gabby...Sara, Lilly, Sedoena, Big Dave and Preacher all curled around her in one of the big tents, under a mound of blankets. They explained to her, exactly what she was. What she would become. And she sunk into a deep depression...she was a monster...A horrid...thing.
It wasn't untill she'd been a Lion for a little more then 6 months, that Dog finally came to her. As she'd found out, they were the local pride....He explained to her what they were.And what exactly that ment.. Dog himself was the prides Rex. The lion king. Any question she had, he answered, and soon, he managed to pull her out of the funk she was in. She learned everything she could about her new life. Exploring what it ment to be a lion, And in doing so, she started to explore her powers. Things that came online slowly. Powers she hadn't even realized she had. Subtle things at first.
her changes gradually became easier and easier. And though she didn't realize. THey were also quicker. Untill one full moon it was damn near instantanious from one form to the next. She started to fight her way up through the pride structure. And soon other powers manifested...She was able to heal others when they were wounded....But the one that surprised her the most, was during a fight with Gabby. He had taunted her. Told her there was no way she could win. She was small. Not tiny, but she was fairly petite. And yet, she was kicking his ass. And in the midst of it all, she swung at him with a hand that had shifted to claws. She ended up beating Gabby.
though she enjoyed the prides company for another few years. Soon the wanderlust came over her. And when she was 25, she headed out. She wandered here and there for awhile. Never able to really settle. Though finally finding herself in Portland Main. Meeting many different people along the way, and in the end, always moving on. Not wanting to get too caught up with the different prides. Trying to keep herself apart. One man in particular though caught her attention. Nicolai knew how to tame the lioness within that was urging her into things she wanted no part of. Helping to tame that internal battle that always seemed to be raging. She’d joined his pride, knowing it was probably the wrong choice, but knowing that being without him would be more then she could handle. Life was good for awhile. The next few years passing where the happiest she’d been in a long while. Untill the morning before her 26th birthday….wakeing up…And no Nico…and no one else either….
And it was then she headed back to Max. Back to the life she knew, and should have never left. She found herself back in Nawlins, alone once more with her family. A lone lion in a large City, and without a pride. With her father's help over the next year, she built herself back up to the strong lioness she had created herself to be before the bullshit. And tragedy struck once more. The buisness had been going well. But the legal, and illegal side of things. Sydney takeing more and more jobs, because Max's failing health would no longer allow for it. Her father having sunk into the depths of Alzhiemers, and when Sydney was 28 years old, Her father passed leaving a hole in Syd's heart and life the size of the grand canyon. Even the rest of her family, Luke, Mouse and Le'Cleric were no true comfort.
Now, four years later, and that wound is starting to heal. As more lycans and supernaturals flood the city of New Orleans more than ever before, She'll stand up for what she believes in, and remove whoever ends up in her way.