H A I R C O L O R : Naturally (and currently) Brown
H E I G H T : 5' 5"
W E I G H T : 128 pounds
D I S T G U I S H I N G F E A T U R E S :
Six tattoos, Leg, Hand, Behind her ear, Arm, Foot and Back
F L A V O R :
A riddle to all who come across her. Never being able to pinpoint it, unless they've had a run in with a dhampir before. Unless you count her shampoo, conditioner, soap and lotion.
D E S C R I P T I O N :
Slender, but toned muscle, like a figure skater
S K I L L S : (Skills in Human form Please use as many spaces as you need and delete what you didn't use)
* Skill : Plays Piano * Skill : Dancing * Skill : Tending Bar * Skill : Artist (tattoo to be precise, doesn't generally dabble with paper and canvas) * Skill : Astronomy * Skill : Blade use from Sword to Dagger * Skill : Staff Use * Skill : Cross Bow Use * Skill : Gun Use * Skill : Hand to Hand combat - no specialty * Skill : Survival Skills * Skill : Speaks 5 languages - English is her native language
A B I L I T E S : (Please list from highest to lowest Abilities for Vampire, Lycanthropes and Paranormals. Please use as many spaces as you need and delete what you didn't use)
* Ability : Longevity of life * Ability : canines elongate * Ability : nails grow and strengthen to razor sharp claws * Ability : increased healing * Ability : increased speed and strength * Ability : increased senese * Ability : increased endurance and dexterity * Ability : can 'see' vampires for what they are, same for other dhampir * Ability : can sense other preternaturals (learning the lycans in play) * Ability : has an afinity with natural animals
W E A P O N S C A R R I E D :
Always somewhere on her body would be a set of three Rae throwing knives
W E A P O N S O W N E D :
Three 150 lb rifle crossbow, set of arm sheaths with throwing daggers, six assault rifles of various types, mithrodin sword, three lightweight .38 special snub nose revolvers and three 1911 Brownings
A C C E S S O R I E S :
A pendant that is always around her neck, her Jamis bike, may have an ipod when desired, cellphone.
H O M E :
Currently living in the Ninth Ward, on the corner of Andry St & Law St in the old King Solomon Church. The outside has not been renivated, however the inside has been gutted and reformed. There's a living room/ dining room combo, a side bar that connects with a kitchen. Her bedroom and bath are across from the kitchen. The rest of the building is set up as a gym with mats, a wooden man, speed bag, punching bag, etc. Behind a panel in her living room is a small room, where her weapons are kept along with a large fridge. There were once doors on that side of the building, though they have been bricked over, the only evidence that there was any reconstruction at all.
O C C U P A T I O N :
Tattoo Artist
E X T R A D E T A I L S :
Ren is a likeable enough person, though social situations aren't her forte. Not a lot of patience with - almost anything. Living in the here and now and for the thrill of it. Curious as any feline, and vicious as any wolf when need be. She has a great sense of humor, and usually will use it whenever the feeling strikes her. Awkward moment or not. Has been referred as "snarky", "cheeky" and "omg you brat!".
B I R T H P L A C E :
Sparta, Mississppi
F A M I L Y:
No blood line family, though a man named Berlin, is the closest thing she has. He provides her with most of what she needs to do her job.
H I S T O R Y :
Born in Sparta, Mississippi in 1853, she discovered her abilities at 16. At 19 she was frozen in her longevity and has aged one year for every 20 years that go by. Trained in the Pamhird Compound.
A L I A S :
Sarah Marshall, Marie St. Cloud, Laurie Putnam, Cheryl Lamont, Victoria Gilderoy, Susie Tidwell, Lisa McRoy, Samantha Bordmen, Marie Rendall