D I S T G U I S H I N G F E A T U R E S : Severe scarring on right leg and a permanent limp.
S K I L L S : (Skills in Human form Please use as many spaces as you need and delete what you didn't use)
* Skill : Great singing voice * Skill : Plays guitar & piano * Skill : Cooking * Skill : Being rude * Skill : Unnerving people * Skill : Navigating the bayou * Skill : Sign Language
W E A P O N S C A R R I E D : Pepper spray
W E A P O N S O W N E D : Kitchen knives and Grandmere's shotgun
A C C E S S O R I E S : Old Jansport backpack, Timex digital watch, sunglasses, wallet (contains ID, cash, business cards, and doctor's 'note' allowing her to carry painkillers), Motorola Razr cellphone.
H O M E : 8 bedroom/6 bath house in Garden District
O C C U P A T I O N : Musician
E X T R A D E T A I L S : Anything that drive or whatever.
B I R T H P L A C E : New Orleans, LA
F A M I L Y: Ysabeau Chiasson (grandmere), Raoul Chiasson (uncle), Adelaide "Addy" Chiasson (cousin), Isabel "Izzy" Chiasson (cousin, deaf), Nicholas Chiasson (grandpere; deceased), Odette Chiasson (aunt; deceased), Jacques Chiasson (father; deceased), Claire Deveau-Chiasson (mother; deceased)
H I S T O R Y : Most stories aren't all sunshine and roses, nor are they all doom and gloom. Most stories have a balance of the two extremes. If that was the case then someone fucked up when they wrote Aurora's life story.
Aurora Jolie was born on July 9th to proud parents Jacques and Claire Chiasson. By all accounts she was a perfectly healthy child and made much of by the extended family. Only a month later Uncle Raoul and Aunt Odette had their first child, Adelaide. So, Rory and Addy grew up closer than most cousins would have, learning things at the same time and usually being punished for the same broken rules. When they were four, Aunt Odette gave birth to a second child, another girl they named Isabel. While Addy disliked and shunned this new addition to the family, Rory took every opportunity to help take care of the baby. It wasn't long before they discovered that Izzy was deaf. Once this concept was explained to Rory, along with the existence of a language spoken with hands instead of words, she demanded that she be taught so that she would be able to speak to her cousin. Granpere and Grandmere praised her for this and made sure that the other adults agreed. So went her life for six more years, nice and happy with many friends once she started school.
Strike one.
Rory was 11 when she had her first encounter with death. Granpere, who'd been battling cancer, finally lost. To say his death was taken hard would be an understatement. Seeing how frail Grandmere was, and how silent the big house in the Garden District would be, the decision was made to move in with her. Jacques and Claire with Rory, Uncle Raoul and Aunt Odette with Addy and Izzy. Each of the girls got their own room instead of sharing so that there were two rooms left over as guest rooms. For a few weeks it seemed as thought Grandpere's death had shoved aside the rift between Rory and Addy, but as soon as the immediate pain had eased it returned.
Strike two.
At 15, death struck at Rory and her family again. Aunt Odette didn't come home one night. She didn't answer her phone, no one had seen her since she left work, and she hadn't been going anywhere to run errands that day. The police were called, of course, and the family waited and hoped for the best. Three days after the police report was filed, Aunt Odette's body was found drained of blood in a dumpster; a vampire attack. That was Rory's first experience with the preternatural. Addy and Uncle Raoul spent weeks grieving, shutting out even Izzy so that Rory and her parents, along with Grandmere, were the ones who helped her through the loss of her mother.
Despite pain and loss, life continues on. Rory was found to be good with music and learned piano as well as guitar. She did moderately well in school and was able to help Izzy through the inevitable teasing and bullying that came from having a disability. Before Rory graduated, she was able to secure several promises from friends in grades below her to watch over her cousin.
Strike three, you're out.
Rory was 19 and had just completed her first year at Tulane when she was riding home with her parents after a successful gig at André's Blues Club. Her parents were having a friendly argument when the blow came. The minivan appeared out of nowhere to slam into the side of their car. Then came the other blows as people unable to stop in time further mangled the car. Jacques died almost instantly. Claire was in bad shape and didn't last long enough for the paramedics to have been any help. Rory, though, she was pinned in the backseat. Pain radiating from her right leg, her parents dead in the front seat, it was a nightmare that couldn't be escaped from.
Three surgeries and months of physical therapy gave her back the use of her leg, though she would always have a limp. Unfortunately, there was nothing that they could do to heal her mind. She'd lost it. The doctors had some big words to explain how the trauma had affected her, but it boiled down to the same thing. Her mind had snapped. Despite her wish to be left alone, the doctors were afraid she might do herself some harm - whether by her own hand or just through neglect, they never said. So, they enlisted the help of the only people she was likely to listen to: Grandmere and Izzy. It was decided that Rory would return home with them, though she would continue to have weekly visits with the psychiatrist.
After the first year of this arrangement, she grew resigned to the routine. The violent outbursts were not as common as they had been. André had convinced her to offer her music at his club on a regular basis, believing that it might give her a suitable outlet for her conflicting emotions. Besides the music, she took up cooking for the family, though Uncle Raoul and Addy could not help but make snide comments about allowing a crazy person to handle their food. The kitchen became her sanctum when the walls of her room began closing in on her. So, despite all complaints, Grandmere kept Rory doing the cooking and allowed her to go about her forays to the blues club.
A L I A S : Ali
P L A Y B Y : Alexz Johnson
C H A R A C T E R S I T E : http://cajunmadness.moonfruit.com