i.e. Bears, Lions, Snakes, and all other Lycans not of the four main groups.
I have an idea for my character here, who happens to fit into the above stated classification.
In a previous game, Rodrigo was the leader of a group of Lycans who were in Las Vegas, and did not belong to a group, nor was there enough in the city to forge a group. He did all the things a Pack/Pard/Rodere/yadda yadda would offer these Lycans. He, and his mate, the only Jaguars in Las Vegas led this group, and offered them guidance, protection, and what not for all sorts of different cat breeds(Panthers, Leopards, Tigers, Lions, Cheetahs, Cougars, yadda yadda).
So, I'd like for him to attempt the same thing here, though he doesn't have his mate with him to help this time around. Either way, anyone who wished to RP with Rodrigo towards a Unified Lycan group, feel free to drop me a note. Also, if the mods have any questions on this as well, feel free to tag me a note as well.
I like the sound of that, but then again my snake he's used to be on his own for the most part. If it does jump off I'd be interested and see where it goes.
there's only one problem with this idea, that I can see. shifters of a cat nature getting along is one thing, but putting snakes, birds, bears, and others together, seems to just as for violence. maybe not in their human form, but when you shift, the beast takes over. Seems like a disaster on the full moon
@Silent - Yes, I'm aware this is furry coalition. I didn't say it was anything unique and of my own brainstorming. Just felt like trying it out here, given how much fun it was in Penance to begin with.
@Steven - Experienced shifters can maintain some control even in furry form, and not attack someone else. That's where the leadership comes in, separating those that lack control at full moon times, to put them someplace safe for themselves and the group.
Actually AllyCat (Silent) I love you but I have to politely disagree. I think what the good Jaguar here is talking about isn't a Furry Coalition. Sounds like he means a 'group' of mixed origins. The Coalition was something in the books that the groups took part in but it doesn't sound like Rodrigo is interested in servicing already established groups, but rather looking to form a group all its own of those whose animal doesn't belong somewhere else.
Also, since the site says nothing about a Furry Coalition it would seem that there isn't one in play. So looks like Rodrigo here has a good idea either way you toss the dice. Or at least that's my take on it.
That's correct. It is a group for Lycan's of rare breeds, like Lions and Bears and such. It just so happened in previous RP, in Penance Moments, that the group included Tigers and Leopards as well, but it did include Cougars, Cheetahs, and other Lycans that were too few to have a group their own.
The Furry Coalition is similar, but that was specifically a group organized to unite the already founded Wolf Pack, Leopard Pard, Tiger Horde, and so on.
This group could be used to establish a Coalition as well, but it's main point is to watch out for, and guide the lycans that don't have others to depend on.
So, I'm tired of waiting on others to be active, this is an idea I'd like to try out. If the mods have something against it, then they can contact me, but until they do, I'm going ahead with this idea.