Jules here! I am here to clear up any miscommunication and perception issues, cause let's face it. It's not what you said, but how it's percieved, and online, it's really frickin' hard to perceive what anyone is saying in the way they mean it to sound as opposed to how you take it. There's no tone, body language or facial expressions that we can take cue from. It's only text in a box.
For instance, ::Looks over at Justin:: Justin sounds like he's complaining all the time, when in fact he's joking ninety-eight percent of the time. You should hear us argue, like a couple of ornery old people who you think hate each other, but it's just how we interact. Another one percent of that is he merely wants to bring some things up that people may not be aware of, and he doesn't use the best wordings (cause let's face it, I'm better at it than he is :D), and that last percent he's really complaining, but who cares, he can shut the hell up. :P (See that? Tongue smiley, means I can say anything offensive, and it's ok. ;D)
Feel free to hit me up on SalvationsCurse with any concerns, questions or comments you may have! Have fun my Wicked Peeps!!!