I can do the wave with my stomach and probably a handstand too but I cannot do a damn thing with bebo. -glares at it- Was just wondering if anyone had the time or interest in playing with my bebo and making a skin and set up for it. Any interest? -hopeful eyes, offers donuts and nuzzles-
I can work on it when I come back from The Keys this weekend. I'm trying to get your Sig done today at least. I don't have the program to make the moving avatar here at work. So I'll work on the pictures and put it together at home. Send me any little tidbit you'd like for Moksha... like phrases, or symbols you'd like to be included in the bebo profile. I haven't done one in so long, so you'll have to bare with me.
If you can figure out how to do all that mess then I will bare with you as long as you need me too. It would probably take me a year to put it all together. I will send you tons of stuff in an email here in a minute so that you can look it over and see what you might want to include. But just like with the sig I feel safe in trusting to your artistic vision, or artistic madness. Whichever you prefer.
My SN is samsaramoksha@aol.com so if you get something from there it isn't an ad for penis enlargement. It is me!
Thanks guys! You're the best friends a guy could have. -one arm over each of them so they can sway and sing along to Queen's "You're My Best Friend"-