I realized someone late that though Anna and I played our characters entering the SL and I have since started up playing Az again, I never did put an Intro up. So, here goes. I am Mike and I play Azrael who is one of the Heliotrope Master Vampires. He's been around LoST for years and looking forward to having a lot of fun with him here at Wicked. I apologize in advance for my LOA but now that I am back I look forward to meeting many of you. Character site is www.azrael.moonfruit.com though it is quite old and may need updating which I will do soon. You can also contact me at xazraeix@aol.com
Meow! Still making undead look good I see. Nice to get a glimpse of Azrael outside his usual dark dank catacombs. If Patsy wasn't still in NY she might be tempted to use him as a scratching post. :)