The Guns Training Academy
A place for all to take part in learning how to wield a firearm
Doesn't matter if it's a handgun, rifle, shotgun...
You wield your firearm choice
Start being serious
Cause the Arms Defense School helps knowing when
To draw, wield it, point it, and aiming it
Without injuring anyone or yourself accidentally
We'll turn you into a shooting machine
All it takes its concentration, eye coordination, pulling the trigger at the right times
And understanding the basics.
Licenses are available for those seeking to hold any firearm
Guns kill
But it is a good idea to have protection
with you where ever you go
learn the best time to draw your weapon
when it is necessary
Reaching down in your purse is great
But it's how the amount of time
You can go for that gun down in that compartment
Never carry a weapon that has no license
we provide one and training here
Protect yourself
It saves not only saves you, but your family and friends, or any type connection you have with someone
Timing is all it takes to save your life or those you love
Join the Firearm Training School
Located in the Downtown Area
Of New Orleans
Looking to be hired or become one of our students
Contact Sandy Deilma
At the e-mail or phone
Why wait?
When you can be helping?