"This story is just released of a deadly shoot out in a New Orleans freight dock between private security detailed to a freighting vessel and a group of unknown assailents. More with Deborah."
The television switches from the sharp faced news anchor to a young blonde woman, standing against a railing of a freight dock, with several ships comming and going. "Last night police responded to calls of a firefight at this freight dock. A video has been leaked on to the internet of one of the security cameras that caught the action." The television switches again though this time it is the security cameras playback, the orange heavy lights filling the dock, where crews of men tirelessly work to unload cargo.
"The time was midnight exactly when a phoney police vehicle approached the docks and two men dressed as police officers stepped out. They began talking to another man, later identified as Mashiko Oita one of the guards of the vessel and then violence ensued." A gun pulled on the business dressed man, details were very hard to see, but it was obvious the fake officers began firing first, killing Mashiko. "The security contractors began to defend their vessel with automatic weapons and several civilians were caught in the crossfire. Thirteen people have lost their lives. The exchanging of fire lasted several minutes, before the attackers left the dock yard."
The video flits back to the dim faced reporter, with her hair blowing about from the wind. "The Oda Trade and Shipping company could not be reached for comment at this present time. The security personnel have been detained for questioning, but under PMC laws, the men will most likely be deported back to Japan, where if any criminal activity has been found they shall be prosecuted by their own government."