Dear Case: This has been the funnest and most educational gif and pic search. TY. And now may I present my finds. While Im only posting Gifs I have a big folder of pictures for you love. Geller:
PARTY TIME! Have a gu9y4839ry681404y884 Birthday
Bitches, I just finished the first (complete) draft of my thesis!!! IT'S 50 PAGES. IT'S FOOTNOTED. AND THE BIBLIOGRAPHY IS THREE PAGES LONG. AND I AIN'T EVEN REALLY DONE YET. And I'm a little worried about the editing process but I'm all I'm free, motherfuckers. Can't even handle thi...
I finally did it
Noone is playing! (how I feel)
I come online and wait for the ims to start...Im dying without play....This is how its been going since I got the net again. I sign on. 8 minutes later 10 minutes later 30 minutes later 45 minutes later 1 hour later 2 hours later 3 hours later 4 hours later Me now
Sometimes I cant help myself
Oh and of course:
Just.... wow
Man Hides Gun in Rectum Tried to embed but it didn't let me :( -- Edited by ANDI AMBROSE on Monday 16th of January 2012 07:48:34 PM
Fun fact
My nephew? Is pretty freaking awesome. Here he is with his two best friends, Bear the dog and Shaggy the cat.
Wolf in the house
-- Edited by RAINA MAXWELL on Sunday 11th of December 2011 12:17:18 AM
Our Merc with a Mouth
And again, this fucking MB hates me and all my names. What the fucking hell man? Anyway.... look how sexy he can be... all clean and in a suit. -Eyes Tom.- I need you in a suit, send me pictures.
Artemus' ringtone for Jessica :)
This is soo what my cat does while i'm on the computer
Because I loves Squish
First... crack eggs :)
My little monster and her mommy playing
This is my niece and sister playing in her bed because little monster didn't want to go to bed. Her laugh is addictive.
And if you look to your left, you'll see--OMFG!!
LOL Missing those summer vacations already? -- Edited by BROOKLYN DECHANEL on Thursday 18th of August 2011 01:43:16 PM
Strut that Ass
Most of you know I rarely if every post video... but you HAVE to see this.
Rock the Rocker Room...wtf?
Oh Brooklyn would certainly want to rock here! LOL -- Edited by BROOKLYN DECHANEL on Monday 29th of August 2011 10:12:48 AM
Roll a D6!!
Worst Date Ever? LOL
Nothing like a cheap date. No food or drinks required. Except for one thing..lol
Got milk? LMAO!
A wild Michael Jacksonmon appears(pokemon battle) wtf!
There is a chemical in weed that's called fuck it!
-- Edited by EURIDACEE on Wednesday 7th of September 2011 10:08:53 PM -- Edited by EURIDACEE on Wednesday 7th of September 2011 10:19:07 PM
Funny Exam Answers....LOL!
Welcome to the Golden Arches! LOL!
Don't cross the streams! LOL
If Scary movies were realistic(Hilarious!)
This is funny. Make sure to watch it!
The Dancing Dog
Police dog dealing with a domestic dispute
Parkour Firefighting?
For an old friend.
To my buddy Mitch. Lived hard, rode hard. Neither one of us went where we said we would, but I guess that's life. Rest well. *Play both of these clips together* ...